Monthly Archives: June 2016

New Pixar Movie

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Greetings, readers!

Today’s post is a friendly public service reminder that the newest Pixar movie, Finding Dory, is now out in theaters.

If you are looking for something to do this weekend, that might be worthwhile.

Have a lovely Saturday.

A Type of Electric Chair I Like

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I have recently become aware of something I’m rather fond of that could have an interesting connotation: a type of “electric chair.”

Now, by that, I mean there are now recliner sofa thingies that require an electrical outlet. Because they recline according o a mechanism. This means that you can adjust to what extent the footrest goes up or down, and how far back the back goes, without needing to do more than push and hold a button.

Some even have a place to plug in USB-powered devices.

They’re pretty nifty!

So, yeah. Electric chair, because they require electricity.


Happy Friday!

Death by Caffeine


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Greetings, readers!

I was recently informed of a website that will tell you how much of a particular food or drink you must consume before you will suffer a fatal caffeine overdose.

It is rather amusing, in a peculiar sort of way. You can find, for example, that it takes over 10,000 Hershey’s Kisses to cause a caffeine fatality for someone of average female weight.

It does only discuss foods that are known to have caffeine in them; you cannot, for instance, calculate how many bananas-worth of caffeine it would take to kill you.

I hope you have a reasonable Thursday.

Ridiculous Pride in Exhaustion

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It occurs to me that some people (myself included) may value being exhausted a bit too much. You see, it’s a continued sign of “I can DO the things!”

And “Neener neener, I do more of The Things than YOU do!”

After all, we kinda assume that everyone is able to do similar amounts of Things in similar amounts of time. Thus, if someone spends more time on doing The Things, they do more Things than we do.

Or at least they’re more responsible. You know.

Anyway, that of course leads to a fair bit of pride in being exhausted. After all, “I did the things!”

So, yeah. Have a lovely day!

Unexpected Consequence of Maid-of-Honor-ing

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As you may recall, my sister got married on Saturday. I was maid of honor. (Yay! Thanks again!)

I am really happy I had the opportunity, but there was one point I hadn’t even considered. Although I was able to see her face the entire time before she turned to face her groom, after that, I… couldn’t actually see anything.

Except the veil.

It was at a really bad angle for watching her and her groom… I was in a direct line behind her, and then him. (I know the Best Man & I were doing a good job of being even on the stage, though, as I couldn’t see him, either.)

Yup. So, that’s one consequence I hadn’t been aware of: Those who are in the wedding may not be able to see what actually goes on…

So, you know. If you ever maid-of-honor-ify, be aware.

Have a lovely day!

Two “True” California Earthquake Experiences

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I have been in CA the past while. And there was an earthquake at 1:01am, Friday. That reminded me of the two most common different authentic CA responses.

The first, which most participate in, is sleeping right through it.

The second is being awake for it, being unsure whether or not what you felt was an earthquake or something else, checking Facebook to see whether people not in your household felt something, and then deciding that it must have been an earthquake.

I had the second response.


Anyway. Have a lovely day!

There is a patent for toast stands.

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So. Yesterday’s wedding went well. The bride is all married and stuff.

Anyway. It turns out that when you search for “maid of honor toasts”, sometimes,it confuses the type of toast you mean. In one instance, it brought up a patent. About toast stands. To keep the bread-type of toast warm.


Anyway, happy Sunday!