Monthly Archives: August 2014

Tactile Books for Visually Impaired Children

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Greetings, readers!

I just read about something quite fascinating that somebody from your world is working on. The person is working on making “tactile books” for visually impaired children, through the use of 3d printer technology.

The principal inventor has already created “Goodnight Moon” for children to be able to experience.

I think this is quite fascinating, and I hope his project meets with great success!

Hug Cancellation Considerations

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I had a thought yesterday. I’m a bit confused by it.

So, you know how people often ask friends to do something for yet another person “for me”? Like, suppose you ask your friend Beth to “Tell Liz ‘hi’ for me?” That kinda puts your friend Beth into the “you” role. (Liz receives a hug from you.)

Well that got me thinking.

Oh dear. This sounds like lit will get a bit distressing.

Quite possibly.

You see, what happens if you were to also tell Liz to give Beth a hug for you, and they gave their hugs at the same time? Would the net effect be that you’re hugging yourself?

I stand by what I said. Distressing.

Thank you, Fluffy!

Anyhow. On that note, I’ll wish you a happy Saturday.

Interesting Digital Art

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Greetings, readers!

I found a rather amusing link a while back, and now seems to be just as good a time to share as any. A professional, digital artist recreated some of his childhood drawings, using his professional, sophisticated techniques. They turned out rather amusingly, and yet quite well done. The bear and shark are especially amusing. I encourage you to visit the link.

Case Converter

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Greetings, readers!

I am going to divert this website from the recent overdose of the Webmaster’s saccharine posts to show you a surprisingly useful tool. It is, and I kid you not, a text case converter.

What this tool does is incredibly helpful, especially if you are dealing with someone else’s writing. It takes text, and converts it into the desired “case”. The cases include “sentence case” (which is what I use), lower case (which uses no capitalization), upper case (for those who need to imitate a caps-lock), “Capitalized Case” (presumably for long titles), and “alternating case”. Why someone would choose the latter is completely beyond me- my only assumption is that such a person is spawn of evil and has a masochistic / sadistic streak seldom seen in a human.

I hope you find this tool useful, and I hope you have a happy Wednesday.

What to do when missing friends (part 2)

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So. Yesterday I mentioned a few ways of trying to stop missing friends by keeping in touch with them.

Staying in touch with people isn’t always the best way to deal with missing friends, though. For example, if you’re between sending letters or emails, and your friends are unable to talk real time, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to write another letter.

So here are some ways to try to stop missing friends that are generally solitary activities, anyways.

1) Write. This works especially well if you’ve got stories you want to tell.

2) Research. Learn something new! And then, you’ll be able to share something with your friends.  Possibly. At the very least, you’ll have learned something. And that’s worthwhile.

3) Read a good book. This is one of my personal favorite options. Especially if it’s a favorite book you haven’t read for a while. Then it’s like visiting an old friend again. And it’s also something you wouldn’t want to do if your friends were around. So savor it! You’ve got opportunities to do fun things on your own!

4) Take a nap. This of course is only a temporary fix. But it does sometimes help- especially if you’re missing people because you’re tired.

5) Play a computer game / video game / something you can do on your own. I don’t have as much experience with this, except for online flash games. But even so, once again that’s something you probably wouldn’t have done with your friends as much, so it’s something you can do on your own, and not feel guilty about doing.

So there you go. I hope that helps!

What to do when Missing Friends (Part 1)

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Hi, fluffsters!

As some of you know, I’m in time of transition in my life. One of the biggest transitions is that a number of my friends are in a very different place from me. (VERY different. For instance, they’re going to get LOTS of snow and rain. I’m not. I’m jealous…)

Anywho. So, I miss my friends not infrequently. And it’s really hard. But I’ve found some ways of dealing with that. This part will focus on ways of getting in touch with your friends.

1) Write letters to your friends. This works primarily if you know their address. One of the advantages of letters is that you don’t know if your friends have even received the letter, so if you haven’t heard from them for a while in response to your letter, it’s possible that one or the other of the letters got lost in the mail. It’s also really fun and exciting to get a letter in the mail- wouldn’t you want your friend(s) to get a surprise note?

2) Call/skype/real-time-contact them. Advantages: You (might) talk with the friend you’re missing, in real time. That’s a major plus. Disadvantages: You can’t always do that, especially if there are timezones involved and you especially miss your friends at a time when they’re not awake. Also, there’s the risk that they wouldn’t actually want to talk with you, and then things get awkward. (Missed calls. Bleh.)

3) Email them. This has the advantage of being faster, and less expensive, than letter writing. It does not, however, have the built in excuse of “they just didn’t get my note/email/whatever” if they your friend doesn’t reply. But it does have archive abilities, which letter writing does not (unless you take pictures of or photocopy everything you send.)

So there you go! Three ways of contacting friends. I hope that helps!

Star Wars Sunday

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So, way back when, my sister and I used to watch one of the three original Star Wars movies almost every Sunday. In honor of that, I’m sharing something a little bit more Star Wars-y: a series of fan made images, with the idea of “what if Star Wars took place in a 1980s high school?”

I especially like the depiction of R2 & 3PO. And how some of the sketches are so obviously specific, identifiable scenes from the movies.

What about you?

I found this to be an amusing thought problem

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Greetings, readers!

I encountered a rather bizarre, and strangely amusing, article. It is supposed to be terrifying. I failed to find it so.

The thought experiment regards a sentient, apparently time-travelling artificial intelligence that punishes you if you do not help create it, but does nothing to you if you do devote your life to it. The thought experiment concludes that such an artificial intelligence must come into existence, because the very people who fear its existence will create it. It is called Roko’s Basilisk.

Personally, I do not understand why it is terrifying. If the time-travelling basilisk was going to come into existence, would we not already see evidence it exists? Especially if it was, in fact, going to punish those who do not help it?

On that note, I wish you a happy weekend.