Monthly Archives: March 2015

Fun New Reason to be Nocturnal — Sugar Gliders

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

In the further category of “why becoming nocturnal is a good thing”, here’s another cute reason. Literally, a cute reason.

Sugar Gliders are nocturnal. And they are adorable.

Just look at them!

And have a great Monday.

Interesting Experiences with Chocolate

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So. On a whim, I tried something a bit odd yesterday. It was a chocolate peanut butter cup dipped in Hummus.

It was probably about as weird as it sounds.

It wasn’t bad per say, just weird. I would not necessarily recommend it, except for giving more stories.

Happy Sunday!

Why Lightbulb Moments Make Cents

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I was talking with some friends about things making sense and cents. And we came to the realization that things that make sense when the light is on also make cents, because the use of electricity makes cents for the electric company.

So, thus, I think that that’s probably where the whole “Lightbulb Moment” for when things make sense/cents comes from.

What do you think?

Book Osmosis

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

A friend posed an interesting question to me…

Why do we think exclusively about learning from osmosis?

Because, seriously… I know more than most textbooks. Just not necessarily about that specific topic the books is talking about.

For example, fantasy worlds. I know a LOT more about theoretical constructs of magical forms than I do of anything related to biology, for example. So why don’t the textbooks remove some of my fantasy knowledge (which they do not have) and replace it with some of their knowledge of their subject?

OR…. IS THAT WHY OSMOSIS DOESN’T WORK? Is it maybe because the rules of osmosis look at total knowledge, and decide that the amount of knowledge makes up for it? So, I know more about the book than some things, the book knows more than I do about other things, so net we’re balanced?!

Any thoughts?

one easy way to get people out of your room

Hiya Fluffsters!

Sorry for the weird formatting. I forgot to create a backlog, and I’m on a trip.

Anywho, the trip made me realize something. There is a VERY was way to signal to somebody that they should get out of your room because it’s too late– start brushing your teeth right next to their face. Like, RIGHT by their face.

Works 100% of the time!

Fun Gifset from College Humor!

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Hiya, fluffsters!

Today’s Fluff is a link to College Humor. So, be careful– you might spend a lot more time than you anticipate.

But anyways. They put together a really cool set of gifs that are fun. Some of which are impossible. You should check them out.

Happy Tuesday!

Sorcery and Cecelia

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today, I reread a friendly book: “Sorcery and Cecelia” by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer.

It is a charming book, and probably about as close to a “manners” style book as I’m likely to recommend. Because, it really is more of a “period piece” than a plot-driven book… sort of. Except that it still definitely has a plot. Oh, and the time period it’s a “period piece” of is early 19th century, in a setting where there’s magic.

One of the really fun things about it is that the two authors wrote the book in the style of a game. They wrote letters back and forth to each other, and thus created the plot.

It is not necessarily the most plot-driven of all of Wrede’s works, but it is still quite amusing, and I recommend it.

Happy Tuesday!

Signs you MIGHT be turning Nocturnal (part 1)

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Hello, Fluffsters!

So. I came up with a brief list of a few signs that you might be turning nocturnal.

1) You spend more hours asleep during 6:00am-6:00pm than during 6:00pm-6:00am. This is fairly…obvious. If you’re doing this, you might be joining the elite night-time club.

2) You are a college (or post college) student. This one is almost nonoptional. Unless you’re weird. I don’t know how non-nocturnal college students do it. They’re weird.

3) You’re turning into a vampire. Nocturnality comes with the territory. Tough, get used to it.

4) You live veeery far North, and it’s winter. Ok, so it’s technically spring now. But my point still stands. If the vast majority of your “days” are spent at night-time geographically speaking, you might be turning nocturnal.

There you go! I hope this helps.

Have a great week!