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Hiya, Fluffsters!
So, last night, I got to see Pixar’s new movie “Inside Out” with some of my friends and my parents.
Seriously. I highly recommend it. I was sitting right in front of some of the little kids (who were assumed to be a target demographic, at least before watching the movie) and they seemed to enjoy it. But there was so much in there that the kids probably didn’t get. Seriously. I’m writing this as an older-than-14-year-old (I know– that narrows it down a lot…) it was a strong examination of psychology. And it had some absolutely hysterically funny scenes… which were designed to be funny. (It’s always refreshing with hilarity ensues by intentional design, as opposed to cases like The Hobbit 3…)
And the way the emotions were portrayed were excellent.
I highly recommend this movie. (If possible, I also recommend watching it in 3D. Pixar does a good job with that.)
Yup! Happy Tuesday!