Monthly Archives: December 2016

Ringing In the New Year (Part 2)

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Greetings, readers!

As mentioned yesterday, a series of carillon videos to ring out (and in) the New Year seemed appropriate.

I hope you enjoy this one featuring the Game of Thrones theme. (My apologies for not embedding it– the video seems to be resistant to such suggestions.)

Happy Friday.


Ringing In the New Year (Pt 1)

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Greetings, readers!

From what I understand, “Ringing In (or out) the New Year” is a tradition some follow.

In honor of that, TotalFluff will be running a series with a different Carillon (or Bell Tower) YouTube video between now and the beginning of the new year. The first is a playing of the Harry Potter theme.

I hope you enjoy and have a good Thursday.

Where do they get the electricity?

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Greetings, readers!

I recently encountered an image that has been used by Microsoft as a background for log-in pages.

(I am including a screencapture someone took.)

Stunning display of electrical trees in their natural environment...

Stunning display of electrical trees in their natural environment…

It is quite lovely. However, I do have to ask… where is the electricity for the tree coming from?

And on that unnatural note, I leave you with a wish for a lovely Wednesday.

In (belated) honor of a new movie…

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So, some of you may be aware of the movie “Assassin’s Creed” that came out a bit ago.

It’s (apparently) based on a video game franchise I haven’t played. It may be interesting. I don’t know.

But in honor of that, I’m sharing with you the “Literal Trailer” for the trailer for the first game of the franchise! It’s another of my favorites, so I hope you enjoy!

Happy Tuesday!

Four Villains I Am Currently Jealous Of

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I have a cold. I’m not happy about this. My nose is especially unhappy about this, and is making the rest of me very unhappy by extension.

In light of this, I have determined that there are a few (fictional) villains I am more than a bit jealous of at the moment.

first) The Eye of Sauron. Literally, he’s just an eye. There’s, like, no sinus problems he needs to deal with. Granted, the eye looks a bit irritated all the time. And it’s “wreathed in flame.” Which might hurt. So, probably not perfect. But at least there are no nose problems!

a) The “Vampire Pancakes” from Star Trek. Ok, so technically they’re “Neural Parasites”, from “Operation – Annihilate!” They still look like pancakes. And they have vampiric tendencies. And my family has always referred o them as “Vampire Pancakes.”

But I digress.

The point is that they’re completely nose-free. Which means they can’t have noses that periodically try to kill them with the pain of a cold.

So, yeah. Tiny bit jealous right now. Even though they’re unable to be in sunlight and stuff, which might make it a bit hard to lead a normal life.

But hey, who’s perfect?

i) Lord Voldemort from the Potter-verse. He doesn’t have a nose, starting from the end of “Goblet of Fire.” I’m personally feeling like he might have been onto something with that when he gets “reborn.” After all, we don’t hear him complain about a cold, do we?

And how could he, if he doesn’t have a nose that can get congested?

Ok. So, I guess he still has some nose slit thingies. And he probably can’t enjoy food as much. So, there may be downsides. But still. Probably at least minimal congestion and coldage.

And finally, 1) Jafar, from Aladdin. Especially once he gains his Mad Sorcerer Powers, with the ability to turn into a snake. He’s able to still be human and have a nose, so he can enjoy his food. But whenever he wants, he can turn into a snake. Which is a noseless creature. NO CONGESTION!

So, basically the best of all worlds. Able to enjoy the perks of a nose, with none of the nasty side-effects. I bet cold-germs probably wouldn’t even survive in a reptile, either.

Sweet deal.

So, yep. That’s how I’m feeling right about now. How about you?

Sewing a gift closed was easier than taping it

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So. My brother-in-law comes from a family where it’s apparently tradition to include prank gifts. I found this out last year, when he gave me a rubber chicken. (“It’s better to have a rubber chicken and not need one, than to need a rubber chicken and not have one!”)

Anyway. My gift for him (alas) is not up to those standards, as it’s almost something that people might want for themselves. (No, I”m not posting what it is. I know he won’t read this before he opens. But still. Principles. I have them. Ish.)

One of the features of the prank present is that it’s ridiculous to open. So, I’d originally planned in basically wrapping the thing in tape. I couldn’t find that much tape, though, so I ended up sewing it shut.

Yes, it was easier for me to find a needle and thread and to sew crepe paper shut, than to find more tape.

Priorities. I have them.


Again, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one.

Next-To-Last(ish) Day for Christmas Music

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So. It’s Christmas Eve. (It’s also the first day of Hanukkah. So, Happy Hanukkah to any of you who celebrate that!)

But given that Christmas is tomorrow, that means there are about two days left to over-play Christmas Music before it becomes post-Christmas. (Ok, yeah. Not quite true, since the official holiday-day of the US is on the following Monday, and therefore you should be allowed to play Christmas music then. And I think a lot of people do play it over December. Still. Christmas is tomorrow.)

So, here’s a friendly reminder that the “Christmas Can-Can” exists.

Happy Christmas Eve!

Wassail Song and Wassailing

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So, tonight’s my family’s annual Christmas Caroling Party. In honor of that, I thought I’d share a fantastic arrangement of the “Wassail Song”. It’s gorgeous.

Also, fun fact. It turns out that “Wassail” doesn’t just mean “hot cider”. It does, in fact, mean “caroling” at this point. I thought the connection between the two definitions was kinda funny. You can basically understand the whole history of that word. First, you have Wassail as the alcoholic warm cider.

Then you have people going around town singing drunkenly. Since Cider is especially a Christmas-y drink, the singers (or those going “Wassailing”) would probably primarily try for Christmas Carols.

Hence, “Wassailing” now also meaning Christmas Caroling.

So, yep. Have a lovely Friday!


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As some of you may know, Winter Solstice was yesterday. And the Steam Winter Sale supposedly starts sometime today. So, HAPPY WINTER!!

I personally think it’s one of the *coolest* seasons.

In honor of the season, I’m going to share a song that Fluffy shared last year: “Blow, Blow thou winter wind.” It’s lovely, and seasonal.

So, yep! I hope you have a lovely Winter!