Category Archives: Christmas

Sewing a gift closed was easier than taping it

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So. My brother-in-law comes from a family where it’s apparently tradition to include prank gifts. I found this out last year, when he gave me a rubber chicken. (“It’s better to have a rubber chicken and not need one, than to need a rubber chicken and not have one!”)

Anyway. My gift for him (alas) is not up to those standards, as it’s almost something that people might want for themselves. (No, I”m not posting what it is. I know he won’t read this before he opens. But still. Principles. I have them. Ish.)

One of the features of the prank present is that it’s ridiculous to open. So, I’d originally planned in basically wrapping the thing in tape. I couldn’t find that much tape, though, so I ended up sewing it shut.

Yes, it was easier for me to find a needle and thread and to sew crepe paper shut, than to find more tape.

Priorities. I have them.


Again, Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one.

Next-To-Last(ish) Day for Christmas Music

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So. It’s Christmas Eve. (It’s also the first day of Hanukkah. So, Happy Hanukkah to any of you who celebrate that!)

But given that Christmas is tomorrow, that means there are about two days left to over-play Christmas Music before it becomes post-Christmas. (Ok, yeah. Not quite true, since the official holiday-day of the US is on the following Monday, and therefore you should be allowed to play Christmas music then. And I think a lot of people do play it over December. Still. Christmas is tomorrow.)

So, here’s a friendly reminder that the “Christmas Can-Can” exists.

Happy Christmas Eve!

Wassail Song and Wassailing

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So, tonight’s my family’s annual Christmas Caroling Party. In honor of that, I thought I’d share a fantastic arrangement of the “Wassail Song”. It’s gorgeous.

Also, fun fact. It turns out that “Wassail” doesn’t just mean “hot cider”. It does, in fact, mean “caroling” at this point. I thought the connection between the two definitions was kinda funny. You can basically understand the whole history of that word. First, you have Wassail as the alcoholic warm cider.

Then you have people going around town singing drunkenly. Since Cider is especially a Christmas-y drink, the singers (or those going “Wassailing”) would probably primarily try for Christmas Carols.

Hence, “Wassailing” now also meaning Christmas Caroling.

So, yep. Have a lovely Friday!

Liam Neeson as Mall Santa

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As some of you are probably aware, there’s a video of Liam Neeson that came out pretty recently. It’s of him “auditioning to be a Mall Santa.”

For some background: Liam Neeson is the one who played Qui-Gon. He also played a few other major action-y parts, including the main lead (so I understand) from the movie “Taken.” (In that film, there is a fairly famous speech about how he will track someone down, and on…)

So, yeah. Enjoy the “Mall Santa Audition”!

(Another) Stunning Version of Carol of the Bells

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Greetings, readers!

I know that there has already been a version of Carol of the Bells shared this December. I happen to rather love that carol, however, and so I am sharing yet another.

This is a more conventional one, with a full choir.

I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely Tuesday.

Re-sharing a Favorite Christmas Hymn: How Great Our Joy

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall, last Christmas Eve I shared a favorite seasonal song: How Great Our Joy.

The version I shared was a Cambridge Singers version. It had a lovely tone to it.

However, I found a more traditional harmonization version. It again is not as beautiful tone-quality, but it is still worth listening to.

I hope you have a lovely Sunday.

ANOTHER “Epic Christmas Music”!

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I recently encountered another lovely piece of music. (I think it might be part of the mix I shared Monday. But this is an individual piece I like.)

It’s a kinda trailer-esque feel semi-mashup of a variety of Christmas songs, called “without end.” It’s got some very interesting dissonances, and a lovely singer. So, enjoy!

Your Monday needs more “Epic!”

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Hi! Happy Monday!

As I’m sure you’re aware, it’s Holiday Music Season, where one-time favorites get replayed over and over again in their stale form until you can’t stand them. And it’s a Monday.

Worry not! I’m here with a semi-solution to both those problems!

Well, I can’t actually fix it being a Monday. But I might be able to help improve it! You see, I recently came across a lovely 2 hour playlist of Epic Holiday-ish Trailer-ish music! It’s got some fantastic orchestrations of some of the old favorites, but in a delightfully exciting way. Perfect for both your holiday and Monday woes!

So, yep. Enjoy!

Another Christmas Music Reminder

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Greetings, readers!

As The Webmaster reminded us yesterday, it is now officially Christmas Music (and other Winter Holidays’ music) season. Thus, it is now reasonable to remind you of the existence of “Corde Natus Ex Parentis”, or “Of The Father’s Love Begotten”

Enjoy your Saturday.

Happy Black Friday — Let the Christmas Music Commence!

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So, as you know, yesterday was Thanksgiving. That makes today “Black Friday.” More importantly, though, it’s now ok (from my and others’ perspective) to start playing Christmas music in America. I know that those outside the US get to start early since they don’t have the same late-November holiday. But here, it’s more appropriate to wait until after Thanksgiving before putting up Christmas decorations, or singing (or playing) Christmas music.

A lot of stores ignore this, but oh well.

Anyway. So, that means that now that Thanksgiving is over, it’s fine to play Christmas music! So, I’m reminding everyone that this epic piece of epicness exists.
