Monthly Archives: September 2018

Dracula and Moonlight

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Somebody pointed out the other day that since moonlight is just reflected sunlight, Dracula should theoretically dustify in moonlight. Which got me thinking.

Given that vampires don’t actually have reflections, does that mean they react differently with other reflected things than we do? Like, you know. If they don’t have a reflection, then reflected things shouldn’t bother them. Right?

So, what are your thoughts? Should moonlight make Dracula go *Poof*?

Click and Drag Tabs are a Favorite

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


So. In my internet browsing, I usually have multiple copies of the same browser open at the same time. (Usually chrome. I like chrome.)

Like, I have my “usual tab”, with whatever it is I’m usually doing (email, writing a fluff post, Facebook, whatever), and I also usually have my music tab open. I like using incognito for music, because reasons. I also like having my music browser be the far right of the internet tabs.

Sometimes, though, my tabs get out of order.

Now, enter the Click and Drag!

It’s lovely. If my music is the only tab open in the browser, all I need to do is open a new tab, click and drag the music away from its usual spot (which then opens a new window), and it’s now again to the right of every other internet window! Yay.

So, yeah. I like the click and drag.

What about you? Any favorite things like that?