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So, I learned something the other day. More to the point, I learned that some people needed to learn a particular something. It has to do with a typical typing keyboard.
You know how there’s the little horizontal touchable doohickey on “f” & “j” of the keyboard, and 5 for a number-pad? So that you can find/feel that your fingers are at the right location for typing, without needing to look? (And without needing to type to see if you’re off by a few?)
I found out the other day that some people didn’t know that. Or at least, I think I found that out.
To be fair, I came to this realization after watching a “Ten Crazy Facts You Never Knew” video, or something along those lines. Given that somebody thought the info about the home-row key raised bar-thingy was worth including, I’m guessing that this wasn’t actually taught in everyone’s typing instruction. (I don’t remember if it was in mine or not. I don’t remember a time I haven’t been touch-typing… I know it exists since I remember learning to type, but I don’t remember life before typing.) (Yes, I realize that seems like a contradiction. Tough.)
Anyway. I thought it was interesting.
Have a lovely Wednesday!