Monthly Archives: January 2014

Weekend Activities: Phantom on YouTube

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Hello, Fluffsters! It’s FRIDAY! Do you know what that means?

It’s time for you to ask more annoying rhetorical questions about the meaning of the days of the week?

I was going for “Free time!”, but your answer sortof works too.

However, going off of my original answer, this means that you have the opportunity to be bored.

Or to procrastinate for a while.

(I’d suggest going with the latter.)

One way of not being bored and procrastinating for a while is to spend time on YouTube watching things. One video that I think could be fun, but that I haven’t had time to watch all the way through yet, is a version of Phantom of the Opera. I really like that musical. And the London version is on YouTube. So, check it out! Or not. The choice is yours.

Regardless, happy Friday! I hope your week ends well.


Shakespearean Therapy

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Greetings, readers! Happy Thursday.

A friend recently shared this marvel from YouTube with me, about a psychologist who is treating characters from various Shakespearean plays. I highly recommend watching it. It is only about three minutes, and is therefore the perfect amount of time for a procrastination break.

I hope you enjoy it. Have a good day!

Rube Goldberg Machine Record

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Greetings, readers! Happy Wednesday!

I have recently discovered that your world sometimes prides itself on inefficiencies. Some of these, surprisingly, are quite artistic.

Fore example, there is a whole class of “Rube Goldberg Machines“, which attempt to do a task in as many ridiculously complicated steps as possible.

One of the record-holders was supposed to design a machine that would water a flower. The competitors illustrated the scientific theory of the history of your world along the way.

Although I am not entirely sure what I think about the celebration of inefficiencies, I must admit that this was a very artistic machine. It makes me wish I were in a tangible world again, even, so that I too might try to create something like that.

I wish you the best, readers! Thank you for stopping by.

Celebrating one year of daily posts!

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Well, how about that.


It’s January 28th.

Congratulations. You can read the date.

Yes… It’s exactly a year since I started this blog.

Oh, you mean it has be a year since you started storing your fluff in my space on the web?

Yeah, I guess you could put it that way!

It does not seem like it has been that long.

…Really? You certainly complain about this often enough.

Of course I complain! I am a melodramatic actress, after all! I need to stay in practice!

Also, I only discovered several months ago that there is an infinite number of sub-spaces that you cannot get to on this site, as of yet. Because they exist, when I need my peace, and a place away from contentless fluff, I can disappear.

Oh. So when you disappear, you’re in uncharted portions of the internet?

From your perspective, for much of the time, yes.

It is just as well for you, too. This means I’ve even been able to appreciate having you here.


Yes. In fact, I quickly designed this in honor of the one-year occasion:

A birthday cake for totalfluff

Happy Birthday, Total Fluff!

…You even matched the colors of the site?

Well, I was not going to use colors that clashed!

Aww, thank you Fluffy!

Hey, none of the sentimentality now. I have a reputation to maintain.

Right. Of course. Sorry.

Well, happy Tuesday, Fluffsters! I hope you stay warm, and I hope you have an excellent day.

What to Do when you’re Really Excited

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Something that people do is they get excited. And when they get excited they do things to try to express the excitement. Here is a list of things to do that I’ve come up with. (I may or may not use any/all of them…)

1) Bounce. This one’s very easy, and has many ranges. For simple bouncing, start with a flat-footed position. Transfer your weight to your toes, and raise your heels. (Basically go up on tip-toe.) Then, return to your flatfooted resting position.

1b) Advanced bouncing. For more advanced forms of bouncing, once you are on your toes, add a small jump in, land back on your toes, and only then return to your flatfooted position.

1c) Trickiest Bouncing.For the most advanced form of bouncing, which I have not yet mastered, increase the jump size, aim your feet towards a wall or a ceiling, and hit said wall or ceiling. You are now bouncing off walls.

Disclaimer: If you try this type of bouncing, be sure to land back on your feet. We at TotalFluff are not held liable for any damage that may come from attempting anything on this site.

2) Hug someone. I’d suggest getting their permission first. Or at least make sure you know the person before you give them a hug. Hugging a random stranger sometimes gets you weird looks…

…Is that the voice of experience speaking?

I’m… not going to answer that one.

3) Do a cartwheel, or other gymnastics. I actually haven’t done this one. But I wish I could- it looks like a great way to express excitement!

4) Talk to a friend. As long as they’ll even somewhat understand why you’re excited. (It’s annoying to talk to people who give you a confused, “okay, dear, whatever you say” look when you’re super excited(!) about something.) The shrieks of excitement are always fantastic.

Yup. That’s about what I can come up with. What about you? Do you do anything when you’re feeling really excited?

Dress Doodling Peeves

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Fluffsters, I have a problem.

Well, actually I have several. Maybe even more than several. (Nobody’s perfect- not even me!) But I’m only going to focus on one right now.

Ok. So, for as long as I’ve been able to hold a pencil (or a crayon, or a marker, or anything) I’ve been doodling dresses. I love dresses.

The big problem, though, is that I can’t get the anatomy for the human figure right. Seriously. It’s as though my fingers refuse to draw a decent, accurate female body shape.

So, this is a problem. If I don’t know if the body shape is at all accurate, I cannot tell if it would be worthwhile to try to figure out how to make my dress ideas come to life. And I don’t want to spend $20 or more on a failure. (I like big, fluffy skirts, too, so it would likely even cost more. A lot more. Just on the fabric. Not including time.)

So I don’t know what to do. Should I try to make prototypes of the dresses anyway? Stick to doodling? Try to work on more accurate human anatomy, even though it’s not nearly as much fun as dress-drawing?

If you have any thoughts, just leave a comment below!

Spelling seems tricky

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Greetings, readers.

Once again, I am befuddled by your world. I came across an interesting… poem.

From what I can tell, it was a poem that tried to praise the merits of spellcheckers. I think it failed its purpose though.

Uh, that’s the point Fluffy. It’s satire. Or irony. Or something.

Sorry, I’m not too great with literature-y terminology.

But yes, the poem was designed to draw attention to how much non-computer element needs to exist in choosing words.

Ah. I think I understand now.

Well, I wish you a joyous Saturday, readers.

A world with… perfect cookies?

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Ok, Webmaster. Your world does look quite remarkable.

…Oh? That was a rather abrupt start of a post.

Oh, right. I’m sorry, readers.

Hello, and happy Friday.

As I was saying, however, your world looks interesting. Someone apparently invented a method for finding the personal cookie recipe for his tastes.


Someone invented a machine that can distribute the ingredients required to make one chocolate cookie at a time. By doing so, he hopes to be able to experiment in order to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe for him.

We wouldn’t be able to do anything like this at home; I am impressed.

Ok, that is kinda cool.


Well, readers, I hope you have a joyous weekend!

Frozen BUBBLES!!!

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Hello, Fluffsters! It’s Thursday!

Last night I had a cool opportunity. Literally. Alright, so it was more like a frigid opportunity.

Some friends and I got to freeze bubbles outside!!

Unfortunately it was a bit dark out, so the pictures didn’t turn out extremely well. But this one shows a bit of the frost pattern forming:

A frozen bubble

Frosted Bubble

This one clearly shows itself to be frozen a bit better, by merit of the fact that it’s, well, broken:

A broken frozen bubble


Isn’t that cool? (So to speak?)

Anywho. Happy Thursday! It’s almost the weekend!

Fun with Clay

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday, I started something fairly new. I’m taking a ceramics class! So, that’s really fun. It also means that I’ll likely have a fair bit of content for this site because of that decision.

(After all, I expect much of my work to be fluff.)

So yesterday’s class was really fun. One of the activities the professor had us do was she gave us a word, and we were given a minute to pinch a ball of clay into something that symblified the words she gave us.

Here’s what I had:

Three clay figures symblifying anger, melodious, and strength

Three figures. Can you guess what the words were?

The words were anger, melodious, and strength.

The anger one should be fairly obvious. I might have added more, but I thought the simple was just as effective (and had more of a guarantee of working) as anything else I would have made.

Melodious is the one in the back. It’s supposed to symblify a flowing sound wave.

Strength was supposed to be a sanctuary, but it didn’t work out, especially in the time I had. So I went with my original idea: A cube. Cubes are some of the most solid, strong shapes. It’s hard to make a cube lose its balance, no matter which side it’s placed on. It’s, well, strong.

I’m fairly happy with how they turned out!

So, fluffsters, are there any fun things you’re learning in the new year?