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Hello, Fluffsters! It’s FRIDAY! Do you know what that means?
It’s time for you to ask more annoying rhetorical questions about the meaning of the days of the week?
I was going for “Free time!”, but your answer sortof works too.
However, going off of my original answer, this means that you have the opportunity to be bored.
Or to procrastinate for a while.
(I’d suggest going with the latter.)
One way of not being bored and procrastinating for a while is to spend time on YouTube watching things. One video that I think could be fun, but that I haven’t had time to watch all the way through yet, is a version of Phantom of the Opera. I really like that musical. And the London version is on YouTube. So, check it out! Or not. The choice is yours.
Regardless, happy Friday! I hope your week ends well.