Category Archives: list

Make hotel coffee at home in 4 easy steps!

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So. Discovery of the day: Assuming you’ve met certain preconditions, you too can make cheap irritating hotel coffee at home!

Here’s how.

a) Stay at a hotel with a mini coffee pot. NOT a keurig. This step is essential.

2) Take the provided coffee grounds home. Preferably still in their bag, not loose. Just to clarify.

third) Brew at home. Yup. Just like usual. (Assuming you have a small coffee pot as well, though.

Last: Drink, and consider your terrible life choices. WHY DID I DO THIS. HOTEL COFFEE IS TERRIBLE. WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!–


The Webmaster seems to have gone into full “meltdown” mode.

In lieu of her usual greeting, I will instead fill in.

I hope you have a nice day, filled with not-terrible coffee.

Bother your friends in three easy steps!

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So. I had fun last night.

Ah, but did your friends?

I think so?

We were playing a game. It’s called “Betrayal at House on the Hill”.

It’s a horror-themed game, and I’d never played it before. And I think I was able to, umm…

Bother your friends, perhaps?

Well, yup. It was really fun!

So, here are three easy steps to do similar!

1. Play Betrayal at House on the Hill. (And yes, that title’s right, even though it looks like it’s missing an article. It’s not.)

One of the fun things about that game is that an “event” (called the Haunting) is sparked, and somebody ends up becoming the traitor. With their own particular (horror-themed) mission.

So, 2. Become the traitor. (Alas, this is randomly assigned. So, not entirely controllable…)

As you probably guessed, that randomly happened to me. And it was fun.

3. Play in as cheerful sunshiney a way as possible! Yup. The scenario was Cannibals. Civilized Cannibals. So naturally, that just requires all the sugar, spice, and everything nice! (See how even that has a slightly bothersome image now, in the context of cannibal?) And pleasant, civilized smile. It’s so delightful they’ll be joining you for dinner, after all!

And I wager you can do the same thing for other scenarios as well. Possibly not with the same amount of punnage, but certainly with comparable happy-cheerful-you’re-all-going-to-die!-ness.

(Even though they did actually win.)

Yep. It was fun.

Have a lovely day!

Rubber Ducks belong on the Head

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So, you’ve heard the phrase “put your thinking cap on”, right?

Well, I’ve got a different definition of “thinking cap” that I rather like.

Rubber ducks?

Yup. Rubber ducks.

I especially go with the smaller ones.

There are a few advantages of having a rubber duck on one’s head when trying to think.

a) The little bit of weight is comforting. Note that this works best with the smaller ones. I expect a larger one would get to the “distracting” point.

2: Better posture! You don’t want your ducky to fall, do you?

Last. Surprise people! Who knew you were so trendy, to wear a rubber duck as a thinking cap?

“Trendy”. Right.

Anyway. Good luck with the rest of the week! Go and get a rubber duck, if you need one!

My Method for how to “Black Friday”

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As you’re probably aware, the day after U.S. Thanksgiving is called “Black Friday”, and there are lots of sales and such.

And a lot of folks have composed methods of how to work through it the best. Here’s mine.

a) Go online. This is helpful, as you can see what’s for sale.

2) DON’T GO OUTSIDE. Like, seriously? There are people out there. Just stay inside!

iii. Buy Online. Again. Advantages include: NO CROWDS. And NO PARKING ISSUES.

last: Wait for Cyber Monday, if necessary. Digital age, folks. Lots of online sales will happen on Monday. And once more, you don’t need to deal with that “real world” stuff.

So, there you have it! My tips for surviving Black Friday.

What’s your usual method?

Steps to reading the perfect Fluff Post

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So, I have some good news, and I have some bad news.

The good news is, I thought of a perfect fluff post!

The bad news is, I wasn’t at my computer at the time, I didn’t write it down, and I don’t remember it.

So, if you want to know what it was, here are some steps you’ll need to follow.

a. Learn to read my mind.

2. Develop time-travel, and go back to yesterday. Or maybe it was the day before. I don’t actually remember.

iii. Track me down. Try not to appear too stalkery, though.

Last. Read my mind, and get the benefit of the Fluff.

Or, as an alternate, you can readjust your standards and expectations so that this post is perfectly satisfying. You choose.

Have a lovely Friday!

Upsides of having a cold with a sore throat

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So, I have a bit of a cold-y thing. And it started out with a sore throat.

But I’m not actually too upset at the moment, for a few reasons.

A) it’s nowhere near as bad as when I was trying to figure out which villain to become so I could avoid having a nose.

2) sore throats (while (definitionally) painfull) have some upsides. For example, Honey. Or Honey and lemon. Or, if you’re feeling fancy, two kinds of honey, lemon, and some cayenne. That’s probably my favorite home remedy ever.

With the possible exception of…

iii) Home-made chicken soup. It’s a legit reason to make homemade chicken soup. Which is quite good stuff.

And then last) you can blame anything on your cold. Forget to do the dishes for your chicken soup? Blame it on the cold. Not want to talk in class? Cold. Fail to contain your pet dragon who’s now terrorizing the poor innocent bystanders? Cold. Accidentally turn your home remedy into a marinade by adding some garlic, onion,
and chicken? Definitely the cold. (Although possibly a good idea, too.)

So, yeah. Upsides.

Happy Tuesday!

Exhaustified brains are confusifying

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As you may recall, I had a very time-constrained thing recently, and so ended up pre-writing some number of fluff-posts.

I’m now writing this post on an exhaustified brain, (well before it’s being posted) after having finished The Thing, and before getting enough sleep. And I have to say, even though I’ve dealt with my brain being too tired before, it’s still kindof amusing and very unexpected what it’s up for doing.

Especially when considering what it’s not willing to try.

So first, some things I’m too tired to do:

a) watch silly, mindless TV. The very idea of watching anything completely mindless makes my brain curl up into a ball and scream “NO!!!!” at the top of its lungs. (Fortunately, it doesn’t have any of its own, and it hasn’t commandeered mine to yell… yet.) So, yeah. No mindless TV shows. This includes cartoons, “family feud” or “Jeopardy” type shows, and so on.

2) Get involved in a good story. So, no reading a good book, Doctor Who, etc.

last) Go to bed. I should. But I also kinda really want to decompress. You know.

Now, here are some things that my brain does want to do.

1) Watch YouTube-available college lectures on creative writing.

1b) Watch video analyses on YouTube about film-making.

So basically, my brain is too tired to let me go to bed or enjoy something mindless. But it does want to do something educational.

I’m so confused.

Anyway. Happy Friday!

Four Villains I Am Currently Jealous Of

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I have a cold. I’m not happy about this. My nose is especially unhappy about this, and is making the rest of me very unhappy by extension.

In light of this, I have determined that there are a few (fictional) villains I am more than a bit jealous of at the moment.

first) The Eye of Sauron. Literally, he’s just an eye. There’s, like, no sinus problems he needs to deal with. Granted, the eye looks a bit irritated all the time. And it’s “wreathed in flame.” Which might hurt. So, probably not perfect. But at least there are no nose problems!

a) The “Vampire Pancakes” from Star Trek. Ok, so technically they’re “Neural Parasites”, from “Operation – Annihilate!” They still look like pancakes. And they have vampiric tendencies. And my family has always referred o them as “Vampire Pancakes.”

But I digress.

The point is that they’re completely nose-free. Which means they can’t have noses that periodically try to kill them with the pain of a cold.

So, yeah. Tiny bit jealous right now. Even though they’re unable to be in sunlight and stuff, which might make it a bit hard to lead a normal life.

But hey, who’s perfect?

i) Lord Voldemort from the Potter-verse. He doesn’t have a nose, starting from the end of “Goblet of Fire.” I’m personally feeling like he might have been onto something with that when he gets “reborn.” After all, we don’t hear him complain about a cold, do we?

And how could he, if he doesn’t have a nose that can get congested?

Ok. So, I guess he still has some nose slit thingies. And he probably can’t enjoy food as much. So, there may be downsides. But still. Probably at least minimal congestion and coldage.

And finally, 1) Jafar, from Aladdin. Especially once he gains his Mad Sorcerer Powers, with the ability to turn into a snake. He’s able to still be human and have a nose, so he can enjoy his food. But whenever he wants, he can turn into a snake. Which is a noseless creature. NO CONGESTION!

So, basically the best of all worlds. Able to enjoy the perks of a nose, with none of the nasty side-effects. I bet cold-germs probably wouldn’t even survive in a reptile, either.

Sweet deal.

So, yep. That’s how I’m feeling right about now. How about you?

Ridiculous Reasons I’ve Needed To Trim My Nails Recently

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SO, I’ve come to the realization that my fingernails are possibly a bit softer than average… In part because of some of the reasons why I’ve ended up trimming them recentlyish.

And I don’t know about you, but I have needed to trim mine for some reasons I wouldn’t have anticipated.

Unexpected Reasons why I’ve Trimmed my fingernails recently

a) Cooking. Ok, so this isn’t too surprising. I sometimes do stuff with raw chicken, and I don’t exactly have food-handler gloves (yet), and I dislike getting raw chicken stuff under my nails. (ewwww!). So, when I remember, I like trimming my nails before dealing with raw poultry. Similarly for if there’s anything that may involve mixing by hand. (If I end up needing to knead, for example…)

2) Craftsing. Again, this shouldn’t be too surprising. When nails get too long, it can be hard to maintain perfect control of fiber when crocheting or spinning and stuff.

last) because I washed my hair. Yes, you read that correctly. The reason I’m fairly sure my nails are softer is that when I shower, I borderline cut my nails while shampooing and conditioning my hair. Granted, this usually only occurs when I’ve got particularly long nails in a pleasantly hot shower, and when I’m finger-combing my hair. But still. Individual wet hairs are stronger than my thumb-nails. As I said. Unexpected.

So, yeah. Those are the ones I can think of at the moment… Are there any unexpected reasons why you’ve cut (or trimmed) your nails recently?

Cheerful Reminders

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Greetings, readers!

I have been informed, by multiple sources, that today is a “Big Deal” in the USA. Furthermore, it seems as though cheerful distractions will be appreciated. As such, I would like to remind you that the comic “Ichabod, the Optimistic Canine” exists.

I expect it should give you a few minutes of low-stress.

Thanks, Fluffy!

And, if that one doesn’t work for you, I’d like to take his time to remind you about a few songs…

First, the song pertaining to cows in one’s soup.

I do believe I had successfully blocked that one from my memory. Thank you so very much for reminding us of that one, Webmaster…

I’m guessing that was sarcasm, but I’ll say “you’re welcome” anyway. Because everyone should remember that one. It’s just too cheerful!

And similarly, “Space Unicorn” and “Neon Pegasus” are worth mentioning.

“Space Unicorn”? If it is at all like “Neon Pegasus“, I am fairly certain I do not want to know.

Well, I’m putting them into your post anyway. Feel free to ignore.

Indeed, I will pretend I ignored them.

And finally, as an alternative for those of you who do not have sound access at the moment, here are two charming art prints (both of which are done by the same artist.)

The first is a howling wolf.

The second is a Young Kraken.
