Category Archives: list

Advantages of Southwest vs. American Airlines

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I recently did a bit of traveling. I flew out on an American Airlines flight, and came back via Southwest. And the two together reminded me of some of the differences, and why I’m generally opting for Southwest these days.

1) Southwest has always had enough room for carry-on baggage. Every time I’ve flown American, however, they always ask for volunteers to gate-check bags. If not enough people volunteer, they end up being gatechecked anyway. That doesn’t happen with Southwest, from my experience.

2) Boarding. Boarding with Southwest is so much faster. There aren’t assigned seats, and so people are able to go fairly quickly, since they folks at the beginning of the boarding process can just keep going if they don’t like a spot, or if it’s too crowded.

3) Snacks! I know this is a silly thing, but Southwest usually gives out free peanuts or pretzels. And sometimes cookies, or other things like that. American charges for food.

So, next time you fly, you might want to keep these things in mind. Happy travelling!

Still Bubbling over Sherlock Parody! (part 2)

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So. In case you missed it. The Hillywood Show, whose YouTube song-style parodies I’ve written about before, released their new Sherlock Parody on Saturday!

Also in case you missed it, yesterday, I wrote about a few of the insta-surprises that stood out to me.

Today, I’m going to discuss some of the things that have stood out to me after re-watching far more frequently than I will necessarily admit…

(And after having seen all the released behind-the-scenes footage.)

1) OH MY WORD THE DANCING. The poolside scenes and the stair scenes are both still just astonishing. Even after watching this a few dozen times… Or however many it’s been. The two sisters are just so synchronized. And the choreography itself is “bloody awesome.”

2) The voice actors. They are fantastically close to the voices of the actual Sherlock and John. I don’t know how the sisters found them, but they did a great job!

3) It will be hard to demonstrate my fandom is the Hillywood Show if I ever go to a con and cosplay. As in, the impersonations are to dang good. If I try to show my support for Hillywood by dressing as one of their characters, I’ll actually end up dressing like one of the originals. (So I guess I’d just need to learn and memorize the choreography in order to demonstrate which one I’d be actually dressed as?) Anyway. It’s the tragedies in life. You know.

4) The Jim Moriarty was also fantastic.The way they got the “crazy-eyes” just perfect was, well, perfect. So, yeah.

5) The use of violin. I’m not exactly a fan of the original song. (It’s due to friends of mine that I was even aware of its existence.) So, one thing I really appreciate about this is the use of violin instead of saxophone. (At least, I’m guessing sax). It does just so tie the two together in an immediately discernible way. And the violinist they found was great, too! So, yep.

Anyway. Have a lovely Monday!

Still Bubbling over Sherlock Parody!

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So, (probably unsurprisingly to all of you), I’m still extremely happy about The Hillywood Show’s Sherlock Parody being out.

But, I’ve calmed down since I first posted about it. So I’m going to comment on some things.

1) those credits are hilarious. As in, what’s going on behind the credits-text, of course. I didn’t see any “whacky credits” like Monty Python’s or anything.

2) The sets! They actually managed to film some on-location. Speedy’s, the pool, the rocky place, and the alley in London, for example. But the spot-on, perfect apartment? That was a set they had designed. I had trouble identifying which was which during the parody itself, actually… I needed to watch the behind-the-scenes to see that.


So, those were three things that instantly stood out to me…

What about you?

Some Music for EASTER!

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Hi, Fluffsters!


In honor of this Christian holiday, here are some great pieces to listen to:

A) The obvious one: Christ the LORD is Risen Today. One of my personal favorite arrangements is from the group “Glad”.

2) Another one, “Easter Song”, is also fairly obvious. Once more, “Glad” has done one of my absolute favorite versions of this.

And last, a favorite of mine from Rimsky-Korsakov: Russian Easter Overture. This one incorporates the tunes from some Orthodox Easter chants.

Enjoy! Happy Easter!

Things I’ve Gotten from the Kitchen

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, last week was a looooong week.

And can be very well demonstrated by some of my trips to the kitchen.

  • I went to get water. I came back with ranch dressing. And no water.
  • Water again. It turned into Pie Crust Cookies. (The ones I made last week for Pi Day.)
  • I wanted coffee. Instead, I did the dishes.

Yup. And that wasn’t all. Those are just the ones I’m thinking of.

Have a lovely Sunday!

So. Three years…

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today marks Total Fluff’s THIRD BIRTHDAY! YAY!

In honor of that, here’s a list of some of the things that have happened this year, and some of my favorite posts. (There’s going to be either a favorite post from a month, or an “event” from the month.)

Starting backwards: I’m still fairly pleased with my post about cups from yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve done a list this year, I think. So, yeah. I’m happy with it.

From December, I rather like the “dirt cheap” post. (The question still stands, by the way…)

I should probably include one of Fluffy’s posts. So, her thoughts about music can qualify for November’s post.

(Ok, fine. And a bonus one, because I can’t resist once more showing off my picture of California Fall Foliage…)

October saw the 1000th Fluff Post!

October also was the month of the 999th fluff post. I am rather pleased with my contribution to that post, so I am including it. Hopefully the Webmaster does not notice this being slipped in.

Yes, this is a bit more self-centered of me than usual, but I had a really weird dream in September. And it’s the closest thing I could find to semi-reasonable original content for the month. So, yep.

August’s “Important Post” can happen once in a blue moon

July, I (again) commented on the challenges of getting to bed.

June, I actually wrote a short story!

May, I wrote a post that is a bit weird to go back to. It’s about, I kid you not, wall textures.

We have definitive proof, readers: The Webmaster confuses herself on occasion.

I finally “broke” in April, and let out a rant about a misinterpretation of a Disney movie (and a meme associated with it) that I’d been stewing on for a while

The important post from March is the Pi Day one. (I’m definitely letting Fluffy take the March one.) Last year, you may recall, was the Most ePIc Pi Day In My Life (in all probability.) So, of course that post gets featured for March.

On a somewhat depressing note (given the time of year), Fluffy shared a slightly bizarre question about spring and winter in February.

And… that takes us back to The Second Birthday!

I hope you have a lovely day.

A post about cups.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’m in a totally random mood as I’m writing this. And for some reason, I decided that I wanted to write a post about cups. I have no clue where this is going, so, yeah. Here ‘goes!

Oh dear.

So, yeah. Cups. Here are some fun things about cups.

  1. It’s a fun word to say. I mean, even just to think it. Cups. You basically need to use two syllables. I think it’s technically a single-syllable word. But, just try saying it. It’s clearly two. (I think it’s the “ps” combination that really does it.)
  2. They’re one of the few dining items that can be turned into something you do with your hands. You can cup your hands. However, you really can’t fork your hands. Or bowl them. (You can cup them into a bowl, though, which is also cool!)
  3. So, that means that Cups are also able to transform. If you can cup things into a bowl, that’s pretty fantastic.
  4. They come in lots of styles. Some of them are even elongated, thus meaning that they can come in “wide varieties.”

…You did not just do that.

But I did! Really, Fluffy, weren’t you watching?

Anyway. Continuing…

  • Even though they sound the same, “Cups” and “Couples” have very little to do with each other. At least, to an extent. Sometimes you do have couples and cups with each other, and sometimes even couples’ cups. But they’re not necessarily linked.
  • There’s a fantastic song with cups, especially when it’s done in Irish.

So, yep.

I think this qualifies as a post about cups.

Have a lovely day!

Happy Fall!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

In case you didn’t know, TODAY IS OFFICIALLY FALL!

So, here’s some information about Fall.


A) Fall is when the Pumpkin Plague starts up again. This actually seems to be happening a bit earlier every year. But, I think you know what I’m talking about. Pumpkin is getting into everything. EVEN PIE!

2. Temperatures start cooling down in honor of the falling leaves. The weather is very sensitive, you see, and it mourns the loss of green. So naturally, when the leaves start to change color, the temperature quickly adjusts.

I know I should respond to that blatant reversal of science. But I do not think it will do any good.

Probably true.


Third: Fall should actually be spelled FALL. You see, it’s actually an acronym for “Falling Autumn Leaves Lament”, in honor of the weather adjusting its temperature in honor of the falling leaves. So, we’ve got multi-fold honoring going on. Neat, isn’t it?

Ok, I am leaving this post. Good day, readers.

Bye, Fluffy!

And back to me again.

Actually, those were about the only three pieces of information I wanted to share with you for this post, so I’m also going to leave. Have a lovely day!

Jungle Book Reboot Trailer- WHAT THE HECK?!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!



…yes. At least it’s been a while since I’ve posted about it this time. But, yeah.

You see, I knew that Disney had been going through live-action reboots of their old classics. And I knew that Jungle Book was one on their list. And if I hadn’t been so distracted by the upcoming release of Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson as Belle, I would probably have been a little more excited about it when I first found out.

After all, the animated version was a fun kids’ movie, with some delightfully cheerful music. And the book had a similarly whimsical tone to it. Granted, there was definitely some slightly darker material, but overall it was a kids’ story. Kipling is like that.

And now the new trailer is out.

Have you watched it yet? I’ll wait.

So, done watching?



I mean, seriously.

Here are some reasons I expect a PG-13 movie, judging from the trailer.

1) The whole thing is narrated from Kaa’s perspective. That’s instant creep-factor right there. (Nice going having another female villain-y type person, though…)

2)The setting looks intense. They used a live-action TIGER. As the VILLAIN. (In Life of Pi, at least the tiger was a semi-protagonist… or something.)

3) They’re STEALING A LOT FROM PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. First, they point out that it’s from the same studio. THEN they use pretty much the SAME STYLE OF MUSIC. Down to some of the SAME MOTIFS. Seriously! LISTEN TO IT!

So, yeah. This looks like it’s not exactly going to be the little kids’ movie that the animated version was. Or the whimsical kids’ story that Kipling wrote.

Other Reactions

Even so, it might be a good movie. Just… not the one I was (am?) expecting. I’m not sure. Disney kindof also did the whole bait and switch thing with Maleficent, with making it look dark and then still having it be pretty much a cheesy kids’ movie.

And they ended it with a whistling of Bear Necessities / Bare Necessities. Which… really didn’t fit the tone. O_o But whatever. Their trailer. Not mine.

Yeah. So, I’m really not sure what to think, besides, “WHAT THE HECK?!?!”

It could be interesting.

Things to do on a First Day (part 1)

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, a number of people will be starting school up again. And so, I thought I’d go through some nice, general tips (or at least a tip) for things to do or not do on first days. Hopefully these tips will be applicable for more than just a single group.

Tip 1: Wear Clothes.

I cannot recommend this enough. It is very important that you wear clothes on your first day in a new social setting, especially if it pertains to normal social frameworks and stuff.

After all, garbage bags just don’t look right.

Good luck!