Category Archives: birthday

So. Three years…

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Today marks Total Fluff’s THIRD BIRTHDAY! YAY!

In honor of that, here’s a list of some of the things that have happened this year, and some of my favorite posts. (There’s going to be either a favorite post from a month, or an “event” from the month.)

Starting backwards: I’m still fairly pleased with my post about cups from yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve done a list this year, I think. So, yeah. I’m happy with it.

From December, I rather like the “dirt cheap” post. (The question still stands, by the way…)

I should probably include one of Fluffy’s posts. So, her thoughts about music can qualify for November’s post.

(Ok, fine. And a bonus one, because I can’t resist once more showing off my picture of California Fall Foliage…)

October saw the 1000th Fluff Post!

October also was the month of the 999th fluff post. I am rather pleased with my contribution to that post, so I am including it. Hopefully the Webmaster does not notice this being slipped in.

Yes, this is a bit more self-centered of me than usual, but I had a really weird dream in September. And it’s the closest thing I could find to semi-reasonable original content for the month. So, yep.

August’s “Important Post” can happen once in a blue moon

July, I (again) commented on the challenges of getting to bed.

June, I actually wrote a short story!

May, I wrote a post that is a bit weird to go back to. It’s about, I kid you not, wall textures.

We have definitive proof, readers: The Webmaster confuses herself on occasion.

I finally “broke” in April, and let out a rant about a misinterpretation of a Disney movie (and a meme associated with it) that I’d been stewing on for a while

The important post from March is the Pi Day one. (I’m definitely letting Fluffy take the March one.) Last year, you may recall, was the Most ePIc Pi Day In My Life (in all probability.) So, of course that post gets featured for March.

On a somewhat depressing note (given the time of year), Fluffy shared a slightly bizarre question about spring and winter in February.

And… that takes us back to The Second Birthday!

I hope you have a lovely day.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Total Fluff!

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!

Hiya, Fluffsters!

When I moved Fluffy’s post from yesterday originally, I’d totally forgotten that today marks TWO YEARS OF FLUFF!!

I was going to do a run-through of favorite posts. But the fact of the matter is that I did that for New Years. Especially with the New Year’s post having been less than a month ago, I feel like you’ve gotten enough recycled content…

So instead, I’m going to share with you a Birthday “Card” PDF thingy. I call it Hippo Birdy Two Ewes.

So, Happy Birthday, Total Fluff!