Monthly Archives: May 2018

Two Completely* unrelated (*maybe related) facts!

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Over this past weekend, I learned some Fun Facts!

First, electric stoves with a coil component? The coil component can come out, as can the drip-tray underneath, which allows easier cleaning.

And also, it turns out that milk can unexpectedly WAAAY expand when it boils.

what about you? Did you learn anything interesting?

Someplace named a salt machine with song lyrics

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I have decided I like Doncaster County. I don’t know where it is, but I like it anyway.

They apparently have a tradition of naming road machinery with designedly silly names. And late last year, they added “Gritsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Anti-Slip Machiney”.

So, yeah. I’ve decided I like the county.

How’s your day going?

Dessert inspired thoughts

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I may have had a bit too much sugar at the time of writing this post. There was a dessert potluck that I went to. Which got me thinking. If someone brings a dessert that doesn’t get eaten at the potluck, if they’re not brownies, does that person still get the Brownie Points for bringing the dessert?

And on that note, I’ll wish you a Happy Friday, filled with Much Tasty Sugar!

COOL edible art I hadn’t seen before!

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I recently found another lovely time-sink!

There is a thing called sculpted jell-o. Or, “Gelatin Art”. And there are YouTube videos of the things. And they are lovely.

I kinda wish I was more of a fan of gelatin desserts, so I could have more of an excuse to invest in this art style!


Make hotel coffee at home in 4 easy steps!

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!


So. Discovery of the day: Assuming you’ve met certain preconditions, you too can make cheap irritating hotel coffee at home!

Here’s how.

a) Stay at a hotel with a mini coffee pot. NOT a keurig. This step is essential.

2) Take the provided coffee grounds home. Preferably still in their bag, not loose. Just to clarify.

third) Brew at home. Yup. Just like usual. (Assuming you have a small coffee pot as well, though.

Last: Drink, and consider your terrible life choices. WHY DID I DO THIS. HOTEL COFFEE IS TERRIBLE. WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!–


The Webmaster seems to have gone into full “meltdown” mode.

In lieu of her usual greeting, I will instead fill in.

I hope you have a nice day, filled with not-terrible coffee.