Monthly Archives: September 2017

Coffee Day “Chicken”!

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Apparently, today is International Coffee Day! At least in the US.

International for a given country

International for a single country. Thanks, Google.

So in addition to the Public Service Announcement above, I also wanted to show off. I have a k-cup machine, and I can barely get two servings from it into one of my travel mugs. And yesterday, I ended up “doctoring” my coffee between the two servings (so that I could drink more of it more quickly, because it was cooler)… which left me with the game of “exactly how much to drink and still get the coffee to fit.” (AKA, Travel-Mug “Chicken”.)

I took a picture of the result. (And no, I did not need to turn off the coffee pot early.)

verrrrrryyy full travel-mug.

I DEFINITELY won Travel-Mug Chicken.

So, yep. I’m feeling pleased with myself.

Happy Coffee Day!

Cat “Cupcake” molds are a thing

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Somebody showed me a thing recently, and I can’t really imagine it going well… It’s a “cupcake” mold, shaped like a cat. And it comes as a set of four. And I’m really not sure if the person who made the things has seen either a cupcake or a cat. Because it’s too big for a cupcake, and DO YOU SEE THEIR SAMPLE FINISHED ONE?!


Anyway. Have a lovely day!

(And if you do make one, I want to see.)

The “Fall” Of Pumpkin Spice

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Happy Autumn Equinox! (Although technically, according to the weather website I go to, the equinox where I am won’t be for another couple days. The day’s still a bit longer than twelve hours here.)

With Autumn comes a few things that are unavoidable. The first, of course, is more night-time. Yay!

The second, alas, is Pumpkin Spice Everything.

And this year, somebody decided to demonstrate a pumpkin spice hot dog.

There’s a video below. If you do make it, I… actually don’t know if I want to hear about it. I think I do, but I’ll withhold judgment.

Anyway. Have a lovely day!