Category Archives: Star Wars

Star Wars Christmas

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Ok. So, with less than a month left until Christmas, I think I’m ok sharing more noticeably Christmas-y songs.

So, here’s a Star Wars version…


Star Wars Christmas

Nothing like Star Wars to bring out the holiday #Christmas #SpikeTV

Posted by FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention on Monday, November 9, 2015

Storm Troopers set up a Christmas Tree!

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Star Wars is fantastic. The most recent thing I’m thinking about isn’t officially official, but it should be. Somebody got a bunch of mini storm-troopers to put up a Christmas tree, and they took photos of the process.


Friendly Reminder about Darths and Droids

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Especially since there’s a new Star Wars Story movie out, I thought I’d take this time to remind you that Darths and Droids exists. It’s a webcomic based on the premise that Star Wars is actually somebody’s RPG campaign. And it’s really fun.



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Readers, I am shocked.

I was away from being able to do much online the past few days, including May 4th, or Star Wars Day. I had totally expected there to be a new trailer — or something — for the new Han Solo movie.


I’m not sure what to make of this. Does Star Wars not know it has its own holiday-ish thing? Do they not have enough good material that’s able to be good outside of context? Do they not have enough good material, at all?

Hopefully, this mysteries will be answered.

Meanwhile, have a lovely day!

Happy Star Wars Day, 2018!!

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HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! May the 4th be with you!

Here are some fun Star Wars things you can do.

a) have a water-fight with a friend. (It’s summer-ish time. Right?) Debate who actually shot first. Film it, and edit it.

2) Watch all the movies, possibly in Machete Order.

iii) Make a nerf, and herd them. Not sure what a Nerf is? Me neither. Be creative! Have fun!

4th) Figure out more things that you can do. And don’t tell me the odds of this list increasing!

Have fun!

Mark Hamill and 80s Star Wars Thing

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Apparently, a few days ago, some footage of Mark Hamill (AKA, Luke Skywalker) in some sort of German 80s Star Wars Show Thing appeared.

He tweeted about it.

And then various folks did some poking around, and found the full version.

It is amazingbad and worth reading and watching! (Especially for the end. The ship. And the shirt. Seriously.)


Solo Trailer looks fun!

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Good news, everyone!

The actual Star Wars Story Trailer that the Trailer Trailer was trailering lived up to the hype of the Trailer Trailer!

…And after suffering through that sentence, you definitely deserve to see it.

Enjoy! (Now I just hope the MOVIE lives up to the trailers…)

Star Wars Story Trailer Trailer!

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Star Wars strikes again! (Or strikes back? Or something.)

Once again, they released a trailer for a trailer.

And the Trailer Trailer is suddenly making me very interested in the movie they’re going to be doing the trailer for.
