Monthly Archives: May 2016

Bizarre Medical Center Music Choice

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I had an experience at a medical facility today. (I’m mostly fine, so don’t worry.)

What really stood out to me was they were playing an interesting choice of classical music. The Dies Irae from Verdi’s Requiem Mass.

So, not only is it from a requiem mass in a place that’s supposed to be bringing about healing… it’s the “Day of Judgment, Day of Wrath.”

And it’s Verdi’s. It’s a moderately terrifying piece of music.

As I said… Interesting choice.

Anyway. Have a lovely Saturday!

Cold Rice Leftovers are Surprisingly Good

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, recently, I’ve been doing some “cooking.” With rice and beans and stuff.

Basically, I’ve been taking a variation of The Student’s Vegetable Soup rice (using about the required amount of water, rather than soup-worth of water), refrigerating it for a while, and eating it cold the next day, with some shredded cheddar mixed in. And sometimes some chicken.

It’s (surprisingly) good! Especially given how hot it’s getting recently.

(Remember, I’m currently living in a place that has slightly different seasons than some are accustomed to.)

Anyway. Have a lovely Friday!

Completely Safe Bet to Accept (2)

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Greetings, readers!

As you may recall, The Webmaster wrote a brief post on a bet that would be completely safe to accept.

Another one she did not mention is one that was (apparently) (surprisingly) common in your world a few years ago. There were apparently bets on whether or not the world was going to end in 2012.

That is, a bet pertaining to the world ending by (specific date) is a completely safe bet to take. If the world does not end, you can collect your winnings. If the world does end, they cannot collect their winnings.

Along those lines, it is also entirely safe to offer a bet about the world still existing by a specific date.

Have a lovely day.

Unexpected “draw”-back

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I recently invested in some lovely glittery sparkle gel-pens from my favorite brand. I hadn’t ordered them for a while, though, so I’d forgotten one of the “challenges”. They’re sparkly enough that I sometimes get a little mesmerized while using them and lose track of what I’m supposed to be using them for.

When doodling, I guess you could say it’s a… “draw”-back.

Get it? Because you’re drawing? And it’s drawing you back? And it’s also a borderline downsi-

Oh, nevermind. You probably already got it.


I hope your day is as lovely as my glitter pens!

A Spear took down a drone.

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Greetings, readers!

I read a rather remarkable article about a drone that was taken down by… a spear.

This happened in Russia.

I recommend looking at the article, and then watching the video at the top of the article’s page.

I am glad the person who lost their drone shared the footage.

TOTALLY safe bet to take people up on (1)

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, somebody offered up a bet, but I decided not to take them up on it. Not because I would have done badly, but because they didn’t fully think things through.

It was “nobody will remember (incident) in ten years.”

Think about it. If you remember about the bet, you’re “somebody”, and can therefore collect on the bet. So, you can win, as long as you remember.

More to the point, they can never win, because in order to do so, they need to remember about the bet, which includes what the event was.

So, win-win situation! Either you don’t need to pay, or you win.

Have a lovely Thursday!