Category Archives: Uncategorized

Current Favorite Piano Piece

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Hi, Readers! Happy Friday!

How’s your weekend looking? How was your week? I hope it was good.

Mine was pretty good. In part because I rediscovered a favorite piece on YouTube. It’s another Piano Guys one. And it’s probably my current favorite piano piece. You should listen to it.

Isn’t it amazing? (Except for the relatively anti-climatic ending…)

I love how it’s both cheerful and nostalgicish at the same time. It’s also very full sounding, which gives it a sense of powerfulness to it, don’t you agree? It also seems to have a bit of a driving force behind it, which adds weight. The somewhat mournful tone of the piano just adds to it.

All said, I think it’s lovely.

But what did you think?

Do you have any favorite music pieces?

At least it’s not just the United States Justice System

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Greetings, readers, and joyous Weekend to you.

Do you remember the article about a year ago, with a police dog required to fill out a report?

Well, I regret to inform you that the incident is not the most idiotic thing I have read about a justice system doing. Pakistan is prosecuting a 9 month old child for- unbelievably- attempted murder.

I hope that qualifies as a world record.

Addicting New Game: 2048

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Greetings, readers! A joyous Thursday to you.

For it is indeed Joyous. I have, you see, just discovered a new game. An addicting game, that is online. It is a game that deals with numbers, somewhat. It is also a matching game, and a spacial orientation game.

It is 2048.

The goal is to get up to 2048. I have yet to get to 1024.

I encourage you to check it out, when you have some hours at your disposal.

Happy procrastination to you all!


Death Statistics

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Salutations, readers. I hope that this Tuesday finds you well!

I came across this lovely piece about death statistics yesterday, and thought you might find it rather droll.

I had no idea there were so many unexpectedly dangerous foods, activities, or animals on your world!

My apologies for the shortness of the post, but that’s about all I wanted to say. I hope you enjoy, and have an excellent Tuesday.

5 Guys in a Limo

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Greetings, readers. Happy Sunday to you- I understand the Super Bowl is taking place again this year.

For those of you who have no interest in whatever that event is, I offer an alternative source of entertainment. Apparently there are approximately five well-known voices in cinema. There is also a YouTube video of these five voices in a single limo going… somewhere. I found it amusing, and I hope you enjoy.

*Crickets Chirp*

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Greetings, readers! Happy Sunday to you!

I recently came across a rather remarkable article and sound. Someone took the sound of cricket chirps, and slowed it down to the same relative speed as if crickets lived to be the same age as humans. I only listened to a part of it, but it was a fascinating sound!

It makes me wonder what other high-pitched noises insects make that would sound surrealistic if we could hear them in the same relative time. It also makes me wonder what crickets think of humans, and the noises they make.

What about you? Does this raise any puzzles for you, readers?

I composed this yesterday.

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Yesterday, I spent about 14 hours working on a project. (It’s still not done.) The project called for music. So I composed this with Finale.

And since I did spend ridiculous amounts of time on the project, I have not, alas, been able to do my normal research into fluff. Therefore, I’m multitasking. Here. Enjoy.

Happy Sunday! Have a great week!

After Halloween

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Hello, Fluffsters!

Happy 10-days-after-Halloween! I hope you’re having an excellent Saturday, and a great November so far.

I’ve been starting to think, though, about the costumes that were used for Halloween. What do they do now? Do they sit peaceably in whatever closet you store them in? Do they dream about their one night of freedom, when they were viewed and played with?

Recent photographic evidence has come to light that they do not. Here, I have a link with images of 22 costumes that have decided that enough is enough. They have gone out into the world, and have let themselves be seen out of context.

You have been warned.

Happy Saturday.

Scary Things / Halloween Decorations 1: Hairspray

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Greetings, Fluffsters! I’m back! And you have no idea how glad I am to be. Do you have any idea how hard it is to write even the minimal HTML I use in these posts on a cellphone? Well, it’s difficult. Let me tell you that.

But that’s not actually the purpose of today’s post. No. You see, Halloween is coming up in a few days, and I’m deciding to jump on the bandwagon that I’m sure is out there, and make my posts roughly relate to the mood.

In other words, I’m going to be trying to write a series on scary things. And since Halloween decorations are usually scary things, I guess this means I’m also writing about the creepiest Halloween decorations of all time this week! Or just scary things, if it’s intangible. You know.

Things you eat could fill out the series quite adequately…

Hey, I already suffered through that Lemon Dessert for the sake of this blog. I’m not going to do that more than necessary.

Besides. I already have a topic in mind:


This stuff is really weird. And this comes from someone who uses it fairly often. I still think it’s scary for several reasons.

Like the fact that people use it?

Funny. No, that’s not exactly one of the reasons.

1) Its flammable warnings. It’s very plain on the bottles that it’s flammable. So why are there warnings? Have you ever considered that?

2) It’s like superglue. But for hair. The “crunch” it leaves in hair is quite bizarre. How does it do that?

3) Using it around eyes/eye-wear is nerve-wracking. You need to make sure that your contact lenses or glasses are far away from the spray, or it could cause problems. You also need to make sure to cover your eyes if you’re going to use hairspray, or it could hurt. That’s a bit scary!

4) How does it get ink out? Because it does. You can use heavy duty hairspray to get ink stains out of at least clothing. Sometimes it even works on skin.

There you go, fluffsters! Four reasons why hairspray qualifies as a halloween decoration. I hope you enjoyed. Have a great week!

Spontaneous Fun

Greetings, Fluffsters!

This post is being written from a phone. I love technology!

because of this, though, I’m going to cut this post short. Happy Saturday! I’m having an AMAZING one, hence my need to write this on a phone.

more tomorrow! Have a great weekend. 🙂