Monthly Archives: March 2016

Things I’ve Gotten from the Kitchen

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, last week was a looooong week.

And can be very well demonstrated by some of my trips to the kitchen.

  • I went to get water. I came back with ranch dressing. And no water.
  • Water again. It turned into Pie Crust Cookies. (The ones I made last week for Pi Day.)
  • I wanted coffee. Instead, I did the dishes.

Yup. And that wasn’t all. Those are just the ones I’m thinking of.

Have a lovely Sunday!

WOW there are a lot of trailers this week…

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I’m going to take this moment to say, my goodness there are a lot of trailers that came out recently.

Yes, today’s post is another trailer.

Because there’s a new Tarzan trailer.

And although there is a LOT wrong with the book for today’s culture. So it definitely should not stay true to the book if it wants to succeed. (To be fair, I did find it amusing and enjoyed reading it. Especially since it’s available for free from project Gutenberg.)

So, yeah. I’m not quite sure what I think of the fact that there’s going to be a live-action version of Tarzan. It has the potential to be… interesting.

Anyway, here’s the trailer.

Have a lovely Friday!

How DID St. Patrick’s Day get associated with mint?

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

So, I have a question. Why are there so many associations with mint for this day? I mean, the mint oreos have the appropriate green, and (more importantly) Shamrock Shakes are mint flavored.

Why is that? If it’s the color, why not just green apple flavor?

I mean, seriously. If you Google “Is Ireland Known for Mint“, most of the results relate to currency.

So, I’m confused. But hey, what’s new?

Anyway, have a lovely St. Patrick’s Day!

I’m fairly sure I had a good topic in the shower

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’m fairly sure I had a good idea for a post in the shower. I don’t remember it, though. So, here’s the “new” Superman vs. Batman trailer that I’m about a month late in posting.

Meh, whatever.

I’m sure I’m supposed to be all excited about “ooh, yay, they’re throwing WonderWoman in”. So “ooh yay. They’re throwing Wonder Woman in. Yippee.”

Similarly, I’m guessing I’m probably supposed to be thrilled about… the villain. (I’m not sure how to spell his name, and the Google is temporarily unavailable.) However, I just think he sounds more like the Joker than… the villain… he’s supposed to be playing. I mean, he does look like an interesting character. Possibly the only one in the movie. But, yeah… That would be because he seems reminiscent of The Joker.

It also looks like it’s going to be another one of those “dark for the sake of darkness” movies that D.C. has been doing recently. Like, with the Man of Steel show.

And (sorry fans) Superman is a boring character.

(Maybe that’s why I’m not as much a fan of Captain America, either…?)

And seriously. The way they threw in WonderWoman. (Wonder-Woman? Wonder Woman?) Token Female Lead. Except, she’s apparently not really a lead. Since after all, it’s Superman vs. Batman. No, umm, “Token Female’s Name” to be found.

I may see it if it gets really good reviews, but I don’t know.

And all that casual destruction. Per usual for D.C..

Ok, so, per usual for superhero movies in general. But at least Marvel’s been addressing it, to an extent, with shows like DareDevil and Jessica Jones.

DC has yet to do so, as far as I’m aware.

So, yeah.

Trailer shared, and I can mark that off my “to-do” list for this blog.

Have a lovely Wednesday.

Trailer for Captain America: Civil War

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you may have seen, there’s a new Captain America trailer that came out a few days ago.

Here it is. It’s a cultural event, so you should probably watch it. Whatever.

I take it you are not that excited about it?

Meh, kinda.

It looks a lot more “DC” in style than what I’m used to with Marvel. Mostly.


Maybe not at all.

Ok, so actually, it looks more “Captain America dark heavy let’s be political and philosophical angsty” than “Avengers Funny.”

And although I enjoyed that darkness and depth in Daredevil and Jessica Jones, when I go to a Marvel movie, I like the fluff and silliness found in movies like Guardians of the Galaxy!

So for me, the primary redeeming feature of this trailer is the appearance of Spiderman. Hopefully they keep him a bit snarky.

Because that’s fluff and fun.

Otherwise, I really may as well go see the new D.C. movie coming out instead.

So, yeah. Have a lovely Tuesday!

Happy Pi Day Again!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Happy Pi Day!

Even though this 3/14 isn’t quite as epic as Last Year’s, it’s still worth celebrating.

Today, I’m celebrating with Pie Crust Cookies.

pie crust cookies

Neither Pie, nor Pi, but still good.

So, they aren’t Pi. Or Pie. Or even round, which is kinda one of the things about Pi.

But they’re still good, and that’s what counts. Right?

Have a great Pi Day!

Epic music of epicness!!!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

I’ve shared music from this composer before, but I just discovered a piece of his that I love. It is totally EPIC.

(Sorry about the art. I’m not sure what the YouTuber was thinking…)

Anyway, isn’t that fantastic study music?

Have a lovely Sunday!

Friendly Reminder about a FANTASTIC comic.

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, you didn’t have anything going on this weekend, did you? Because if so, I wouldn’t want to distract you.

Otherwise, I’m just going to remind you that Girl Genius, an absolutely fantastic webcomic, exists.

It is absolutely worth the hours it’ll take for you to get caught up. The current part of the story is being quite good! And it’s tying back to some stuff from the first 5 comics. Which we’ve been waiting for. For almost fourteen years now.

Because this strip is that well thought out!

The art’s also quite well done.

So what are you waiting for? Go! Enjoy!

And happy Saturday.