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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Monday! I hope your week is starting well.
As you may recall, I’m doing a mini blog-series on things to do concerning cookies.
Today, I’m going to talk about…
Things to do concerning Oreos.
1) if you’re using Firefox, you can add the plural form to your dictionary. Unless you’re slightly insane like me, and somewhat enjoy having red underlines in your text on words that you know exist. Like heteroskedasticity. There are few things quite so satisfying as being smarter than your web-browser’s dictionary.
2) Eat the oreo whole. As in, both chocolate and white filling. Together. Or, you could…
3) …Separate the oreo. As in, separate the chocolate cookie part from the creamy filling part.
If you want to go epic, you can do it with a specially designed gun/slingshot.
4) Crochet fake oreos. Then give them to friends. (That’s great for christmastime cookie exchanges. I was able to give my fellow high-school girls some “guaranteed calorie-free cookies” a few years ago.)
5) Make Oreo Truffles. Even without being dipped in chocolate, these things are scary delicious. I can’t recommend them enough. Especially since they are so easy!
So, there you go! I hope you have fun doing stuff that relates to oreo cookies!