Category Archives: procrastinate

Review of Fun Procrastinates: part 4, Girl Genius

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As you may recall, I’m reminding you of some of my favorite procrastinates. Today’s is the webcomic Girl Genius.

It may start a bit slow, and I’m not actually entirely caught up, but it has some fantastic story and world-building components.


Review of Fun Procrastinates: Part 3, Order of the Stick!

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As you may recall, I’m going through and remembering some great procrastinates.

Today, one I’ve been recommending to friends recently is The Order of the Stick.

It’s a delightful webcomic that deals directly with D&D. I’m not entirely caught up, but certainly the first lot of comics are fun. (Head’s up, it does use some language that isn’t entirely G-rated.)


Review of Fun Procrastinates, part 1: Harry Potter

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I’m currently having some time to do things for fun again, and I’m also in some slightly new social circles that don’t always know about my fun things. And this helped me also realize that it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed some favorite ways to waste spend time.

So, to start with: Harry Potter. This one has a bonus of lots of extra ways to spend time.

First, there are the books. These are worth a reread, and I’m planning to do that pretty soon.

There are also the movies. This gives eight feature-length amounts of times. So, fun!

And you also have the extras. So all in all, the Official Potter-verse is a great way to spend time.


Reminder about an Epic Fan Fic for your weekend

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So, a few years ago, I pointed out the existence of a fantastic Harry Potter fan-fic, based on the premise that Harry was raised by scientists and learned the methods of rationality.

It’s quite amusing.

Last time I recommended it, it hadn’t finished. Actually, it finished only a few months after that…

Anyway. It’s now done. And although it does start to get more dark and angsty after chapter 33, it ends pretty well.


Cake Wrecks turned NINE?!

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So. One of my other favorite blogs, a blog devoted to professional cakes that don’t go as planned, just turned 9. It’s well worth checking out (if you haven’t already done so.) And they’ll (apparently) be posting favorites all year. So, that’ll be fun!

Enjoy the post about the things, and happy Monday!

A favorite blog has some fun Star Wars Celebration stuffs!

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I know I’ve mentioned one of my favorite blogs (EPBOT) to you before. But it’s been a while. And Jen, the author, is doing a fun set at the moment.

You see, Star Wars Celebration happened recently by her. And she went to it. And she went to that. In a fantastic costume. And it apparently went over well.

She also got some lovely pictures, and shares them. So, go check them out!

Happy Monday!

You need more TV Tropes in your Life

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I was recently talking with someone who actually looks at this blog, but who didn’t know what TV Tropes was. So, I’ve clearly not been doing a good enough job of reminding you all that TVtropes is a website that exists, that is a fantastic procrastination device.

Hidden in this gem of a website are all the aspects that go into a story… and explanations of what all the aspects are.

You’ve got the Hero, you’ve got the Big Bad (villain), you’ve got descriptions of the weapon choices

And the titles and commentary are frequently quite funny.

So, happy Friday! Enjoy the weekend, and go spend some time with TV Tropes!

Few things as satisfying as this…

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

Last night had a completely useless SUCCESS!!!

For a few years now, I’ve been randomly remembering a movie from my preschool years. However, I couldn’t remember what it was. Only that I thought it involved a zoo, animal colors, a mayor, and a dream. I also knew it was a VHS. (I know, I’m giving away some of my age here…) I had no clue how long the movie was, who made it, when it came out (except that it was still during VHS times), or any of the character’s names.

Well, last night, after a (few years of searching off-and-on-via-google) (as in, for a few minutes about once every 3-9 months…) I FINALLY FOUND IT!

Needless to say, I am feeling fairly pleased with myself.

So, with that, I’m presenting a competition challenge thing! The first person (NOT my parents 😉 ) to email me at webmaster [at] with the right movie guess, or comment below with the correct movie, will be mentioned publicly in the following blog post if you wish. To make things “easier” for you, I’ll tell you that my original assumptions were, in fact, correct.

Happy searching!

Good Things for Saturdays

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

So, it’s a Saturday. That means that once again, you have a day or two of free-ness, depending on your situations and whatnot. And that means that you might be looking for things to do this Saturday. So here are some:

Good Things for Saturdays.

(Or any day of the week when you have time, really…)

1) Read (or re-read) all Fluff Posts. That will possible take you a lot of time. After all, there are more than 400 at this point. Way more than 400. And yes, some of them are short. But some of them are lengthier. So, assuming 100 words per post (which is reasonable), you’d have about 40,000 words to read. You know. Not meaning to toot my own horn, but yeah.

2) Get a head start on Christmas Decorating for next year. Start making paper snowflakes now! Or crocheting snowflakes. Or in my case, writing up the snowflake patterns to upload for Christmas season next year. Also, maybe go through and organize your Christmas lights, to make them more manageable for the next year.

3) Read a book. This is always a good default. I recently got “Shakespeare’s Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back.” I have not finished it yet, but so far I am really enjoying it. I also purchased my own copy of the Prophet of Lamath series- those are also excellent, and highly recommended.

4) Watch a movie. I just saw Sharknado for the first time last night… It was interesting. It was fun watching it with friends, and commenting on some of the improbabilities in the movie, even accepting the “physics” of the show. (Not that there actually were real physics… You know.) But yeah. There are other movies, many of which are good. Court Jester, for example. Or Frozen.

5) Invent something. Please do not then become an evil dictator after your invention becomes popular and gives you the possibility of having all the power in the world. That wouldn’t be very nice.

Well, I hope those help you have a good Saturday! Bye!

Weekend Procrastination: King of the Nerds

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Greetings, Readers! Happy Weekend to you all!

For those of you who are worried about being bored, fear not, for I have good tidings of a great TV show freely available on YouTube!

What is this show, you ask? Why, a show called King of the Nerds.

I started watching last Sunday, and finished season 2 last night.

In other words, I really enjoyed this show. I wish there were a way to do this sort of entertainment back home- my family would enjoy participating in such things.

The first episode sets up the premise, and can be found here.