Tag Archives: owl

New CafePress Design (6/7/13)

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief explanation. Thanks!

Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

It’s a bit late, but did you know that yesterday was National Donut Day? I didn’t before I wrote yesterday’s post, or I would have mentioned it. Anyways, did you participate in the festifities? I had a half a stale chocolate-covered buttermilk bar. Not nearly as good as merely a glazed buttermilk bar, but still quite tasty.

But I digress.

I drew a picture last night! It didn’t turn out quite like I’d hoped, but it’s still similar(ish) to what I had in mind.

A crazy artistic owl going overboard with paints

I really wonder what he’s trying to draw…

And, because it’s the weekend, I’ve updated my CafePress shop. The “You Look Comfortable” designs have moved to the Total Fluff Original Designs section, and I’ve added a new design to the New and Now section. Basically, the design is that image above, with the caption “I’m not crazy. You’re just ordinary!” For this week, products with that design are in the discounted New and Now section. So get them before next week, and save!

Brassicae fati, Webmaster. Did you really just sound like an infomercial?

…Woops. Sorry, Fluffsters!

To make up for that, here’s an offsite link to a “pointer pointer.” Trust me, you need to visit this site. It’s pretty amusing.

Anywho, Happy Saturday! I hope you have a good one. (And congratulations to any of you who are getting married! I know of at least two who occasionally visit here. So, again, congratulations!)

Cute Owl Taking a Bath!!

Note: If this is your first time to TotalFluff, please visit this brief rundown.

Oh my, I just found one of the cutest videos EVER.

…It’s an owl taking a bath. So?

No. I don’t think you understand. There is no “so”. It’s an owl. A young fluffy owl. Taking a bath.

Ok… And?

“And” what? How can you say “and” to something so amazingly adorable as that?

Easily. Really, what’s the point?

Did you honestly ask me what the point is? It’s an amazingly darling owl, and you’re asking me about the point?

Oh. Right. I forgot; the more pointless, the better for you.

Oh come on. At least admit it’s cute?

It’s certainly fluffy. I’ll grant you that.

…I guess I’ll take what I can get.

Anyways, happy Friday! It’s the weekend!