Monthly Archives: April 2014

Car Tipping

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m a bit weirded out… Yesterday, I saw information about a remarkable new “thing” in San Francisco… apparently, some kids wanted to go cow tipping, but they were in the city. So they went car tipping instead. Seriously.

As I said, I’m just a bit weirded out…


Darth Winnie

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m guessing that some of you have probably seen this before. But if you haven’t, you totally need to watch this YouTube clip.

I don’t know the details of how it happened, but somehow or another, the voice of Winnie the Pooh and some actress got their hands on a Star Wars script, and they read out the various lines.

In the voices they are known for.

Yes, that means that there should now be a Darth Winnie Sith Lord.


Scene 4: Lost Prince of Hadanelle

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Sunday!

In theory, I would have had time to write a real fluff post for you. But I’m tired. So I’m going to share with you the next scene from my story. (You can read the previous scene here.)

I hope you enjoy scene 4 from The Lost Prince of Hadanelle!

At least it’s not just the United States Justice System

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Greetings, readers, and joyous Weekend to you.

Do you remember the article about a year ago, with a police dog required to fill out a report?

Well, I regret to inform you that the incident is not the most idiotic thing I have read about a justice system doing. Pakistan is prosecuting a 9 month old child for- unbelievably- attempted murder.

I hope that qualifies as a world record.

One of the WEIRDEST experiences of my YouTube career…

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Greetings, readers!

I hope you are having a tolerable Thursday.

As I was asking YouTube for content, to try to find something worthwhile for your daily fluff, I had an odd experience.

I was listening to The Riddle from The Scarlet Pimpernel. (More accurately, I was listening to a playlist from The Scarlet Pimpernel, and The Riddle happened to be the one I was listening to at the time.) As the list was progressing, from a fantastic musical interpretation of Game Theory and deception to the overture of a musical dealing with spies and the French Revolution, YouTube decided to play an advertisement for me. It was an advertisement for “the Happies”- seemingly robotic dogs. Regardless, it was one of the most bizarre juxtapositions- Grandiose, melodramatic minor-key deep music, to “bubblegum pop” style “Meet the Happies!!1!”. (The typo was intentional for the purpose of illustrating a point, by the way.)

I think the only weirder advertisement experience I have had through YouTube was a time when an advertisement for a movie where mustaches are space aliens came on. That was weird simply because of the content matter- this one was weird because of the juxtaposition.

But what about you, readers? Have you had any odd YouTube advertisement experiences?

I got pranked good…

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Hello, Fluffsters. I hope your April 1 went ok.

I got pranked.

The place I frequently eat at- you know, the place with the Lemon Dessert– pulled a fast-one on me. They claimed to have Guacamole.

In reality, it was this… stuff:

"Guacamole" of a yellowish hue with corn chips.

That is supposedly guacamole. (With chips, of course.)

The picture makes it look a tad more yellow than it really was. It tasted a lot more like sour-cream, though. In fact, I’m not sure I could taste the avocado. It must have had some, since it was a greenish color, but it certainly wasn’t guacamole.

And yet I got some.

Well done, food service, well done.