Category Archives: crafts and projects

I kinda really want to weave a pillow now…

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Last night, I ended up getting sidetracked from whatever it was I was planning on doing, and watched a tutorial on how to weave a pillow-case.

I kinda really want to do something like that now. To the point where I’m looking around, trying to figure out what materials I have that I might be able to convert into a home-made loom-ish-type-thing…


Have a lovely Saturday!

Painting with Light!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

As you may recall, I kinda really love glow-in-the-dark things.

So, when a friend shared a video of someone who “paints with light”, I needed to share the video with you. The results are fantastic.

Happy Saturday! Go make something, or… something!

I made another fake window!

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

So, I made another fake window yesterday in photoshop. This time using a slightly different process. (At the very least, I didn’t put a framed ‘picture’ in my ‘window’. It’s just the ‘window.’)

And I’m happy with how it turned out.

Have a lovely Friday!

pretty "window" view

“Cool” summer project

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Hiya, Fluffsters!

In keeping with the current temporary theme of cool things, here’s a video tutorial of something called “ice dying.” This is something that looks not only cool, but also nifty.

Isn’t that a fun result? I’d really like to try it at some point!

Anyway, have a great Wednesday!

Totally NOT a Disney knock-off. Nope, not here.

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Greetings, readers!

The way some companies get around licensing amuses me. For example, there is a McCall sewing pattern that is a “princess dress” pattern that is totally not a Disney pattern.

Have you visited the link yet? If not, I will wait for you to get back.

Yes. Not Disney. The words “Disney”, “Cinderella”, and “Belle” were mentioned nowhere on that page.

And besides which, the dress instructions clearly call for ribbons, not butterflies. Thus, the pattern is in no way related to Disney’s Cinderella reboot. Not from that company!


Have a great day!

Tutorial: Make Fake Windows in Photoshop (With Some Pics)

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Hey, Fluffsters!

Last night, I was up a bit too late again. But that was in part because of writing this post. But enough excuses. The main reason I stayed up too late was because I discovered a fun technique on Photoshop. I found a way to make fake windows!

Picture of a picture in a frame on a window frame.

All it took was a couple photos, Photoshop, and about 10 minutes… once I knew what I was doing

So, the two photos are completely separate, and started from these:

Pretty colorado mountains that get turned into a window view

This is the original view the “window” looks out on

Pretty building sillhuette at sunset

This is the one in the “frame”.

I next distorted the “view” picture using glass effects. I used the “frosted” glass option. For this one, I went with a small amount of distortion and a large amount of “smoothness”.

I then used vectors to create my frame shape, used a wood pattern I created a while ago to make the window look wooden, and bevelled the heck out of that layer. (Play around with it until you get something you like.) I used the “hard chisel” Inwards.

To create the frame shape, I used the rectangle tool. Next, I took three rectangles “out” of the shape, by using the “subtract” option on the rectangle tool. That’s what gives it the multi-paned look.

Have fun with the wood pattern… I don’t remember how I did that one.

Next I copied the “framed picture” into the image I was working with, on a layer above the frame. I resized it, and moved it to where I wanted. Next, I gave it a fairly thick black stroke. Make sure it’s thick- you’re going to bevel this one, too.

So as I just said, go to bevel. Use the “stroke” bevel. Make sure the depth is less than the thickness of your stroke.

Next, create a new layer the size of your “framed picture”. (This will be your shadow.) Fill it with a dark color, and move it behind your frame. Skew it until it gets to be about the shape you want. Turn the setting to “Multiply”. Then give it a “box blur.” (Again, play around with the settings until you like what it shows.)

And that’s it!

I’ve done a few others of these windows, and just reuse the window frame. (And really, that’s the hardest part. So once you create one, you’re set for a while!)

And there you have it! Other possibilities include “taping” pictures to the window or window frame. Or create more “framed pictures” to go on the “window sill.”

Then you can either use it as a desktop background on your computer (and look “outside” when you’re not working), or you can maybe stick it on a wall to give yourself an extra cool window.

Have fun!

One More Reason why Spinning Is Fantastic

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As the weekend has come to a close, and therefore a lot of extra time for fun activities, I wanted to share with you one more advantage of having a hobby be spinning. As in, spinning yarn.

When spinning is a hobby, you can do fun things at the same time. Like watch Dr. Who. Or listen to Welcome To Night Vale. Or even have a conversation with a friend.

Basically, you can do pretty much anything that doesn’t require hands. And so it’s a lot of fun. I recommend it.

Anywho, happy Monday! I hope your week goes well.

Fluffy Dragons: A New Crafting Desire

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Hi, Fluffsters!

So, recently, I came across a totally epic craft project that I really want to try at some point.

Some people have felted dragons.

I’ve only seen them online, so I’m not entirely sure what they actually look like in real life. But even online they look amazing.

The first one I saw was a lovely fire-toned one. The person apparently received it (and a Pegasus) as a gift.

The other two that I saw are really amazing. They’re by the same artist.

The first I saw is a green one with a tail that can wrap around your hand.

The other is a black one. (Ok, so it’s technically a wyvern. Oh well.)

Seriously, I really want to have time (and money) to learn how to felt now!

Well, happy Tuesday!

A Craft I Really Want to Try

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Hi, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

I was doing some random lookup type things yesterday. Somehow or another, I then ended up on the topic of wax seals.

I really want to get into wax seals and stuffs. It looks fantastic.

One minor problem, though- the types of signet rings I would kinda like to have (as in, personal) are so expensive. Seriously. Like, multiple hundreds of dollars types of expensive.

So, I did a bit of looking around, and now I really, really want to make my own.

Maybe the next time I have access to my Sculpey clay, I’ll be able to make my own wax seal.

Of course, I’ll also need to get sealing wax. And then find an actual opportunity to use it.

Meh. It’s still pretty cool to have a signet.

But yeah. I also thought that making a signet ring from Sculpey Clay might be a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon for you, Fluffsters. What do you think?