Category Archives: NaBloPoMo

Comfortable Scenes

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Something that I enjoy doing is going back through old pictures. And I found one of a subject that makes me really comfortable: Lovely scenes at sunset. So today’s post is short, but here’s a pretty picture I took, that I like. Or 4. You know.

bright orange sunset with a few sparse trees

a bright orange sunset with a few sparse trees

A vivid sunset with the sun peaking through a few trees

The sun peaking through is pretty

Some white trees against a pretty sunset.

Pretty sunset and white trees.

A pretty landscape with trees and a vividly stunning sunset

A pretty landscape with trees and a sunset

Colored Comforts

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Greetings, Fluffsters! Today’s topic is color.

Back home, Colors sometimes have magical significance. It’s a bit hard to explain, since I’m not a magician, but basically colors get associated with certain aspects. These aspects usually have emotions associated with them. Just to clarify, the colors themselves are not magical. They are just used in magic, and sometimes attract magical influences. Because of this, some colors are extremely closely related to the emotion of comfort or relaxation in my mind.

Gem tones and blues especially have aspects of comfort associated with them.

Deep red is normally used for comfort in mourning. The red brings to mind the loss of the loved one, but yet it’s still comforting. I assume the Color Sprites are involved somehow.

Purple is especially good for comforting children. I have no clue why. It’s possible that the Purple Color Sprites have a more maternal aspect to them, but I seriously don’t know.

Blue of any shade is a more generic comfort. It works for every situation that needs comfort, but is not as effective in specific situations.

Green, and especially emerald, attract home-comfort Color Sprites. More to the point, it attracts the Color Sprites that are fond of growing things. Because of this, many houses with large gardens will have large amounts of green worked into the color scheme.

As I said, though, it’s not just the color that is important. The colors also need to work well together in order to attract the Color Sprites. So there is a tangible benefit to decorating the interior of a house well. You can’t just have red and green forced together in a hideous manner; that usually causes any positive magical influence to leave, and instead attracts mischievous magics.

But what about your world? Are there any colors that are associated with comfort or anything like that on your world?

Comfortable Places to Read

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Hello, Fluffsters!

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a fan of fantasy. I really like reading. One of the hard things, though, is finding a good place to read. That’s really hard!

You can come up with questions about muffin flavored shrimp, but finding a place to read is hard?

We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

But as I was saying. It’s sometimes hard to find a good place to read. But I have my own preferences. And they fall into two main categories.

What, places that fall into a nice category, and those that don’t?

Oh, hush. Anyways.

Places to read.


If I’m reading inside, it needs to be a squishy place. A couch chair with arms may be optimal. But sometimes on my bed is another good place. Basically, as long as I can lean back, and not need to exercise my arm muscles in order to read, I’m happy. In other words, lounging is best.


I’m a lot pickier for outside reading. A good location must fit several criteria.

First, it can’t be too populated. Actually, this sort of goes for any reading spot. But yeah.

Second, it needs to not be messy. I can’t be really comfortable if I know that I’m ruining a set of clothing, and might need to take a shower just because of reading.

Third, it can’t be too hot or cold. Or wet. After all, you really can’t read a book in the rain. (At least, not very well.) So, yeah.

So, these are the criteria for my reading spots! How about you, Fluffsters? What makes a comfy reading spot for you?

Comfort in Uncontrollable Change

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Hello, Fluffsters!

I’m going through a slightly difficult time right now, and that’s ok. It’s possibly even good for the “monthly topic” of comfort.

Basically, there’s a lot of change coming up in my life, and it’s change I have no control over. The lack of control means that I am not naturally comfortable with what’s going to happen. Will the change make things better? Worse? What?

For background, I’m at a school. Graduation is today, and that means that next year all my graduating friends will not be students where I am. I really like people, and I have no clue whether I’ll see these friends again, so that’s just a bit hard.

So, I’m going to take a step back, and talk about methods of getting comfortable when faced with prospective changes.

The Webmaster’s 3-Step Comfort Plan.

1) Find good music. For me, this is frequently instrumental. It probably has a strong rhythm, and a slightly nostalgic tone quality to it. Nothing too morose, but something that somewhat matches my mood. The music I listen to normally has a faintly hopeful (if sad) tone quality to it. Whatever it is, it’s music that I’m comfortable listening to. That itself starts to help.

2) Think things through. In my case, this involves realizing that it’s not the end of the world, and that there are ways to keep in touch with people. Regardless, at the end the realization is that there’s nothing I can really do about it.

2b) Pray. It’s a nice reminder that God has a plan. This should probably come first on my list, but I often forget. Woops.

3) Wait. In time, God always sorts everything out. It doesn’t work to worry about “what-if”s. The change either will or won’t happen, and it either will or won’t be bad. If it’s bad, I can worry about it then, and then I have a reasonable excuse to be melodramatic! (I think I’m learning too much from Fluffy…)


And if it’s not bad, then that’s wonderful! So really, it’s a win-win situation. Either things get better, which is good, or they get worse, which gives me the opportunity to be justified in “woe-is-me” melodramatics.

Do you see what I have to put up with? I have never used ‘”woe-is-me” melodramatics’! Even though I’m stuck in this new world, and you’re misinterpreting everything I say! Really, Webmaster, are you trying to turn me into a martyr?

So… If you don’t engage in that sort of melodramatics, what do you call what you just said?


So, anywho. Happy Saturday, Fluffsters! I hope you have a good one. And if any of my graduating friends are reading this, congratulations! This is really exciting, and keep in touch!

Comfort in a Storm

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Greetings, Readers! Or Fluffsters, as I guess we are calling you now.

Yes!!! I’ve gotten something to stick!!

Maybe that’s why you’re called “webmaster”?

But I digress.

Since this blog is supposed to be talking about Comfort for each day, and today I’m filling in.

Today’s topic of comfort is both night-time rituals, and storminess. Where I’m from, some magicians have special affinities. One family of wizards in particular has gone down in history: The Storm Mages. I don’t know if they really existed or not, but their story has been preserved in some of the plays we did.

One of the scenes involved a dramatic face off between them and all their enemies! There’s a really tender moment, because the heroes have just had their first child. And just a couple days later, the other wizards gathered to try to fight. And so the family must raise a storm for defenses. As the storm is being raised, the mother sings to the new child the Stormbringer’s Song. It’s really haunting, when sung well!

Here’s a segment of:

The Stormbringer’s Song

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this bed safe and warm.

The thunder will lull you to sleep, oh my Dear,
For it is designed to protect,
As I have designed to stave off all fear,
For it will all evil deflect.

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this bed safe and warm.

The rain and the hail will not harm thee, my child,
As long as thou art in this bed.
The water will keep out the things that are wild,
So safe in these walls, rest thy head.

Oh lay down my child in the wings of the night
And pay thee no heed to the storm.
Although there are enemies coming to fight
You’ll stay in this squall safe and warm.

And then, of course, because my family grew up knowing this one, my mother would sing this one to us when a fierce storm was out there. It’s sort of comforting thinking that the storm is necessary for protection, and living with the notion that it’s harmless to you. That fantasy is fairly comforting.

Anyways, Fluffsters, happy Friday! What do you do to gain comfort in a storm?

Three Types of Comfortable Showers

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Greetings, Fluffsters, and welcome back to today’s… FLUFF OF THE DAY!

This is your host, the Webmaster, and this-

What the Redivka is going on?!

no, No, NO! You got the line wrong! You’re supposed to wait for me to say “and this is my sidekick: ”

And then you say, “Fluffy McGiggles!”

“Sidekick”? I’ve been demoted to SIDEKICK?!

And you still didn’t answer what’s going on!

Actually, it’s something of a promotion to get up to sidekick!

But as I was saying.

Today’s episode will feature showers. Yes, folks, you read that right! Showers! I am going to talk to you about

3 types of comfortable showers

This will categorize showers into three types, based on temperature!

You realize you’ve sunk to a new low, right?

You’re just jealous you didn’t think of this first.

As I was saying:

1) Scalding hot. These are especially good for when you’ve been working really hard and it’s cold outside. You can feel the ickyness essentially melt off. Also useful for when you’re just really freezing. There’s nothing like a few hundred gallons of nearly scalding water being dumped on top of you to warm you up!

2) Fairly warm. These are good for normal times. Nothing particularly exerting, and when it’s not too cold where you are. I don’t think I really need to say too much more here.

You actually, really didn’t need to say anything at all.

3) Cool to Cold showers. Absolutely perfect when you need to cool down, but don’t have access to a pool or something. As with warming up, there’s no better way to cool off than dumping frigid water on your head! It really works.

Anyways, how about you, Fluffsters? Any particular category of shower that you’d add?

Why my bed is so comfortable.

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Hello, everyone! Happy Wednesday. I guess. I just really don’t want to get out of bed right now…

Please don’t tell me you’re writing a fluff post about why you’re not getting out of bed…

Ooh, that’s a good idea! Thanks, Fluffy!

Seriously?! No. Please, no!

You bet! And if I turn it into a list, I bet some people will even read about:

5 reasons why my bed is so comfortable.

Blast. You’re actually doing it. When will I learn?

5) The blanket. My blanket is really great! It’s warm, and soft, and cozy, and just comfortable.

4) The Pillow. It’s soft. It lets my head sink in. And did I mention it’s soft? So yeah. It’s super comfortable. Combined with the blanket, and it’s practically perfect.

3) I’m really tired. I have not been getting enough sleep. It’s exam time, which means lots of late nights, and packing and stuff. Tiredness makes my bed really comfortable!

2) The environment. It’s nice and cool, and still relatively dark, and just very nice. And relaxing. And relaxing is comforting. And comforting is comfortable. So the environment is a comfortable environment!

1) It’s not comfortable outside my bed. I’m not the tidiest person, so I need to do a bit of acrobatics to get out of bed without stepping on anything. I’d just as soon not do the acrobatics, or step on anything. The best way to do that is to stay comfortable in my bed. So, all in all, staying in bed seems like a pretty good idea!

So, how about you Fluffsters? What’s the number one thing that makes your bed extra comfortable?

Comforting Sunset

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Tuesday!

Today, I’m going to share a picture of something that makes me comfortable. And that something is pretty scenery, with a lovely sunset.

Pretty Sunset and tree sillhuette

Sunset and Tree

And I’m currently fairly tired, and i have a lot to do. So that will have to do for a post…

Have a great week!

Top 5 Comforting Activities

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Hello, Fluffsters! Once again I am ignoring the prompt, but not the theme. Today, I’m going to talk to you about some of my more comforting activities.

Let me guess: Asking people weird and bizarre questions?

That’s more of a fun activity, rather than a comforting activity.

You sure fooled me, with how often you do it!

Oh, right! That does remind me, though: If you could have any superpower, 1) what would it be, and 2) how do you use it to take over the world?

While you’re thinking about that, on to today’s content!

5 most comforting activities.

1) Napping.

Wait, what? That’s not an activity!

Sure it is! You’re alive when you nap. And when you’re alive, you’re doing lots of stuff. Like breathing. And possibly dreaming. And dreaming is an activity. So napping is an activity. QED.

Moving on.

2) Crocheting. I’ve already told you that I like to crochet. I still need to figure out how to upload the pattern, and possible totally finish the critter, too… Hmm. Anywho, there’s something soothing, fun, and comforting about having the yarn in your hands, and seeing a creation come into existence. It’s really comforting.

3) Playing my flute. Deep breaths, pretty sounds (except for when you’re playing Hindemith…) and the feel of silver in your hands? It doesn’t get much better than this.

4) Reading. Especially old favorites. It’s like visiting an old friend, without needing to leave the comfort of either your house or your library. As I’ve said, I particularly like fantasy. So some of my old fantasy books are just an amazing comfort to me. Especially on soggy days, with a cup of hot chocolate. There are few things that can beat that!

5) Doodling. Not dissimilar to crocheting, there’s something really comforting about seeing something come to life on a page. Of course, I’m not very good at it. So sometimes it’s more distressing than comforting, especially when I have a particular image in mind that I just can’t draw. Actually, it’s sort of the same with writing. I see things clearly, but I can’t express them overly well. But when I can, that’s an amazing feeling. And so comforting!

So, Fluffsters, what about you? Anything in particular you find really comforting?

Forms of Chocolate Comfort

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Hello, Fluffsters! Happy Saturday!

Today, I am going to talk about some of my favorite forms of chocolate.

How… thrilling.

Please tell me that you aren’t going to propose moldy chocolate as one of your favorite forms…

Eww. That’s just gross. Can chocolate even mold?

You know, I have no idea.

Huh. Anyways, back to the fluff, not the fuzz.

Three Fantastic Forms of Chocolate

One) Dark Chocolate. In large chunks. I’m not quite to the point of liking baking cocoa, but almost. There’s a delightful taste that pure chocolate has. Regardless, the 72% dark is wonderful

I’d add chiles to that. Dark chocolate with chile in it, or cayenne, is simply amazing. It’s both sweet and spicy. And sharp and smooth, and so good.

…No. Just, NO. Chocolate should be fairly sweet. Or at least smooth. NOT spicy!

…Says the person who doesn’t object to fluffy cups…

…You’re never going to let me live that down, are you? And those are completely different!


b) in Hot Chocolate form. Maybe with a bit of peppermint. And a LOT of whipped cream, if possible! And maybe some chocolate sprinkles? Ooh, now I’m wanting it to get colder out again so I can justify a huge cup of hot chocolate!

3) As a flourless chocolate torte. I am seriously going to need to upload that recipe soon… Add a ganache on top, and that’s a dessert to die from!

Die… from?

Oh, yeah. Hasn’t happened yet, but yes. It’s so rich. It’s basically chocolate 3-7 ways. Especially when I make it.

You see, my rule of thumb for baking is “add more chocolate-chips!” (Or dark chocolate M&Ms.) Sometimes both.

Some time, when I make the torte, I really want to have a bit of fun with chocolate sprinkles, too. Seriously. If the recipient of the cake can have a slice of flourless chocolate cake that has a widest section of more than 1.5 inches, and is perfectly fine after, then you’re making the cake wrong. And it therefore needs more chocolate.

I’m suddenly understanding why you said “from.” Webmaster, I’m just as glad I don’t need to live en your actual world. I don’t want to worry about surviving desserts!

Well, anyways.

Happy Saturday, everyone!

What’s your favorite form of chocolate?